New HBO series "Ballers" starring The Rock

where's that one chick Rock was with at the ATM???
the skinny kate upton reporter chick?

prob out of camera view dragging on rocks ankles to get him to get an MRI.
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rock knows the girl though.

gotta be something up with them 2 because he refused to meet her.

 at joe throwing slimy gomez cigar in the water.

speaking of slime...hes gotta be in a Grand Theft Auto no? his voice sounds too familiar. 
He was the voice of Cesar Vialpando in San Andreas.
He was also in 187.

I think whoever the chick is she has a connection to the dude the rock smacked in that game.
Jason visiting his moms and her boyfriend haha, how is that dude going to use his pop's clubs though?

I think Reggie is a snake and yes, those photos were on his phone, so wonder how they got from there to Angie. He may eventually be behind it which Spence hopefully uncovers and leads to a falling out between Vern and Reggie. He is essential to the show though, perfect adversary for Spence.

Glad there are 3 episodes left, and surely will be looking forward to Season 2 next summer. Perfect guilty pleasure show. never cross my mind Reggie might be involved..Could be true...I'll have to go lback and see if the pics was taken with his phone..miss that or wasn't paying attention..episode was too much going
they very explicitly showed reggie taking the pics.. seems like the scum bag move he would pull.. get spence to sweat and extort couple dollars out of him on the low

and then he has blackmail on vern if he gets pushed out
they very explicitly showed reggie taking the pics.. seems like the scum bag move he would pull.. get spence to sweat and extort couple dollars out of him on the low

and then he has blackmail on vern if he gets pushed out

This makes sense.

Also i like the show because its an easy watch. Like quick 30mins entertaining i enjoy it. I don't think the acting is very good though. But still like the show.
is bella just a golddigger or did she really love ricky? 

edit: and who sent the pics to rock's boss?
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Reggie still dumb. Childish smh

This show feels stuck in mud. They've been on the same story lines for like 4-5 straight weeks lol
Doing some research. Its clear Denzel gives 0 damns these days. Im tryna find out if he ever did.
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