+ New Jay-Z "D.O.A." drops tonight... +

Originally Posted by Buc Em

not anything too great...sorry hov your time at the top is over, you've been replaced by younger rappers in both fashion and music you basically haven't set a trend since button ups. oh, and get a haircut...realllllll quick

*does the laugh from Fade to Black*
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by tee eye ehm

at Hov correcting himself on the pronunciation on "DISTRIBUTE" at the 2:29 mark.

He pronounced it the hood way first then quickly corrected himself and said it as business man jay! hahahahaha
Dude re-emphasizing how much he paid to be released...
he put the wrong em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LAA-buhl.
Just because I'm too lazy to download, delete, and download, I'll just wait for the final version.
hov is late...

cuz i been wearin black for years straight.

song def. is
and voices exactly why i hate rap these days.

but i think its weird that he think he makes the rules.

just to spite him the whole industry should go hard on AT.
for the record i would HATE that. like id chop my ears off. but still it would be a major slap in the face to Jay.
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