+ New Jay-Z "D.O.A." drops tonight... +




> what lames are/were wearing with the ed hardy and then the tight female trash.
Originally Posted by M16

Maybe now dudes will wake up and see how ridiculous this is:




Can't wait for a year or two when all the dudes who were copying his exact style and posting in WDYWT front like "naw man I never did that

Big ups to all dudes who kept their own style and never fell into this *!!@*+@$.
thats not even what this song is about.

Stop worrying about the next man. You sound genuinely excited DUDES might start changing the way they dress. Disgusting.

NT can always rely on you to be a %!#*$@* idiot...regardless what topic....
at this dude
Dude mentioned it in the song. Either way this trash is one aspect of the greater evil. Goes hand in hand with auto-tune and the decline of lyricism. You soundmad you might be having to throw out your wardrobe of nut huggers and "arab scarves"
Damn im feelin the song. but how you gonna make a song like this then have drake on the album?
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by RavageBX

On topic, dude expressed his opinion and we got cats in here analyzing it like a homework assignment.
Pretty much.

Let's move on now.

waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiitttttttt...this isnt a discussion board? with threads? discussing and analyzing music?.......damn..must be in the wrong place then..
It's one thing to analyze it but it's like I said homie you approaching it like a homework assignment, or as if you have some vestedinterest in proving that there are Jay and Ye stans who will run with anything they say. Like we didn't already know that. To me this is just like Obama.He says a lot of stuff that has been said before but because he says it and he's such a huge figure people either get overly analytical or overlyenthusiastic. Meanwhile I'm sittin here in the middle like what the hell is all the fuss about.
What some called "ridiculous" is actually worldly accepted and is the norm while baggy jeans and big tee's would get laughed at. Stop being sonarrow minded. Why are you even worried about how another man dresses? If Kanye made good music wearing spandex would you stop listening? If your opinion ofsomebody's work is easily swayed by their own person style then you guys are a school of gay fishes.
Originally Posted by M16

and let's not forget this dude was calling himself "Prince of the Underground" in '95

I agree with everything you said, but still, the fact that now it might decrease is a positive no matter how you look at it. You can hate on Jay and his hypocrisy for as long as you want, and I'm right there with you, but hopefully we will be able to turn on the radio or go outside and hear/see autotune and tight jeans once every 8 songs/dudes instead of once every 3.
See, now it did annoy and irk me that dudes were rockin certain fits, it was equal to me seeing them flamboyant "Look at me" ******s inManhattan or on the train. Thing is I don't really look at dudes, nor am I concerned with them. I'll have a reaction, laugh or be disgusted but I ainttrying to dictate what *#$$%+ wear on the daily. Yea I'd rather not see it and this might deter it but I don't see any reason to give props to thisdude for it. I hate sheep. Like I said earlier if all of those fruity lookin *#$$%+ was mad successful we'd see that old bum in a fit almost identical totheirs and at the least he'd never have words for them.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

It's a difference between "doin it right" and bring an originator. T-Pain sure aint the first to use auto-tune, but he was "doin it right."

He's basically gettin at all the auto-tune bandwagoners who dont actually add anything to their music with the auto-tune, and are just using it to use it because it's a trend.
I meant to say first to do it in hip hop music but yes he was also doin it right. Thing is with me dude based his career off it, there are nosongs he has w/o it. IMO dude has gotten whack with it as well. It's literally a situation where if he can get rich & famous off that anybody can, andthere should be no words for *#$$%+ who do cuz we don't knock the hustle right?
T-Pain was doin it right, now he aint. Kanye was never doinit right.

All in all even though that attire shh is part of the culture I don't even like discussing it in the realms of hip hop music unless a dude is lookin like aclown in their opinion and they just joke on them. All this breaking it down, separating dudes who started it and dudes who jockin is lame and total bsespecially when we look where hip hop has come from as far as attire is concerned.
Originally Posted by lilfeet47

What some called "ridiculous" is actually worldly accepted and is the norm while baggy jeans and big tee's would get laughed at. Stop being so narrow minded. Why are you even worried about how another man dresses? If Kanye made good music wearing spandex would you stop listening? If your opinion of somebody's work is easily swayed by their own person style then you guys are a school of gay fishes.

Cos.....what is wrong with clothes that fit???
Originally Posted by M16

Kanye ain't make no "good music"

This dude is DEDICATED to making the entire world listen to NY underground hip hop. Always talking about these underground %!$%$# nobody everheard of. I support underground hip hop because I like all hip hop. But there is a reason its UNDERGROUND, your not supposed to compare or associate it withmainstream. Thats the whole point! I'm not mad, but I'ma kinda vent, I'm tired of seeing this sand #@+@! act like he is the authority of theculture.

Tryna tell people how to dress when he's probably rocking Ecko. Stay in your lane.

It's actually good you are a closed minded New Yorker, their are plenty of people like you throughout the city, your opinion ain't $%!%.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by RavageBX

On topic, dude expressed his opinion and we got cats in here analyzing it like a homework assignment.
Pretty much.

Let's move on now.

waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiitttttttt...this isnt a discussion board? with threads? discussing and analyzing music?.......damn..must be in the wrong place then..
It's one thing to analyze it but it's like I said homie you approaching it like a homework assignment, or as if you have some vested interest in proving that there are Jay and Ye stans who will run with anything they say. Like we didn't already know that. To me this is just like Obama. He says a lot of stuff that has been said before but because he says it and he's such a huge figure people either get overly analytical or overly enthusiastic. Meanwhile I'm sittin here in the middle like what the hell is all the fuss about.
i see what u saying..but this is a discussion board...ppl gonna analyze everything posted on nt
aint nothing to analyze
hov is washed up and this song is average atbest..point blank period
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by M16

Kanye ain't make no "good music"

This dude is DEDICATED to making the entire world listen to NY underground hip hop. Always talking about these underground %!$%$# nobody ever heard of. I support underground hip hop because I like all hip hop. But there is a reason its UNDERGROUND, your not supposed to compare or associate it with mainstream. Thats the whole point! I'm not mad, but I'ma kinda vent, I'm tired of seeing this sand #@+@! act like he is the authority of the culture.

It's actually good you are a close minded New Yorker, their are plenty of people like you throughout the city, your opinion ain't $%!%.

you aint have to call him a sand negroid..it aint neva that serious

but i agree

What even bought underground into the discussion ? Homie furious that auto-tune/tight clothing getting dissed ? Lame.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Hi haters.


The official-ticial.

No DJ Clue edit out. Mastered. Explicit. Bye.
It's not explicit.
I'm on my 4th version of this song already
I feel like this is my !#***#@ Literary Theory class all over again. How can we critique this song from a deconstructionist point of view? How about a feministcritique? What is Jay really saying?
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