NEW Lamborghini SUV - called "URUS" [actual pics p.4]

URUS? MORE LIKE URANUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Completely copied the template of the BMW x6. 
If I had the type of money to buy supercars I would never buy a Lamborghini.  
I agree with everybody saying it looks like the x6 or evoque. If these companies going to make SUVs wish they would make them husky Range/Esky sized instead of baby mama size.
I don't know,it looks better then most SUV's available, but not nearly as good as a Range or a G class, it kind of annoys me that the X6 or this (and I know that it's intentional) but they look like sports cars with big wheels.

The interior is weird and although I do like the overall exterior design of the Aventador, the whole spaceship theme on both cars is far too excessive for my taste.
Looks like they dusted off bmw x6  and added a few sharp batman tumbler design lines

sorta want tho
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