New Last Airbender Trailer EDIT: Clip on PG 4. The Fire Nation is here...

Aug 27, 2009
I can't wait either but seriously what's up with these non-Asian people playing asian based characters?
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

where all tha asian people at?
Indians are South Asian, its really irrelevant now the film looks like it will deliver even if there aren't East Asians in it
Shaun Toub as Uncle Iroh
Aside from the casting... HOLY MOLEY. orgfes;guesh;dfuogvaergjdziovejfeiwo

Just go and enjoy it people. They're not going to REDO it just for Asians. Yeah we got shafted but it's too late. THIS. IS. EPIC.
reminds me of the DBZ movie when white dudes played them roles
just doesn't feel right
This is going to be good..

Is this going to only go till book 1?

would be cool to see all 5 books made
although the characters don't look right (especially zuko, and who's gonna play iroh?), the movie still looks dope. when's it supposed to come out?
edit this shaun toub guy is gonna have to plump up a good deal and come off like a real mystic if he's gonna play iroh right...iroh was my fave character from the cartoon.
All of those saying "this is going to be good" must not know who the director is.
Originally Posted by JPZx

All of those saying "this is going to be good" must not know who the director is.

Dude ripping on the director must not remember that he's a great visual filmmaker, and his script and plot issues down the stretch came from never having source material.

On another note, does anyone know if nick will start to make new episodes? The finale left so many questions unanswered. This +$%% aint Lost.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by JPZx

All of those saying "this is going to be good" must not know who the director is.

Dude ripping on the director must not remember that he's a great visual filmmaker, and his script and plot issues down the stretch came from never having source material.
Aww, defending your man crush.
Originally Posted by iBlink


On another note, does anyone know if nick will start to make new episodes? The finale left so many questions unanswered. This !@@@ aint Lost.

I know right!
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