New System - Picture Captcha/Access Codes

Damn this is crazy man. The bots are out of control i get at least 1 post an hour on IG with someone selling bots. Im glad i just get my kix in-store.
They should just "draft" folks. Pretty fair system FNL runs.
Finishline draft system or any online raffle system isn't fair either..How exactly do you account for or stop people from putting in multiple entries? Services will adapt..

And before you say that everyone has the opportunity to put in "x" amount of entries, everyone also has the opportunity to use "bots"

For the gamma 11 release at FNL, I put in 1 entry while others put 8-10 entries.  
They should just "draft" folks. Pretty fair system FNL runs.
My local FNL does it the best that ive seen so far. Every Monday when they open they start taking RSVP's and u have to go RSVP in person. Keep in mind tho i wouldn't count on any of the employees informing me of this if i called cause they always say they dont know if theyre doing RSVP or if they're even getting the shoes cause im sure their trying to get paid to hold pairs for folks(which i don't blame them). But every single release ive seen lately besides them Gamma 11s they did the IN PERSON Monday RSVP. And they also seem to have the least amount of BS going on compared to the other Retailers. At the FTL in the same mall is a complete mess every single JB retro release. Got weak *** cops up there trying to flex their little muscle its a joke.
Finishline draft system or any online raffle system isn't fair either..How exactly do you account for or stop people from putting in multiple entries? Services will adapt..

And before you say that everyone has the opportunity to put in "x" amount of entries, everyone also has the opportunity to use "bots"

For the gamma 11 release at FNL, I put in 1 entry while others put 8-10 entries.  
Agreed. Repped
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Finishline draft system or any online raffle system isn't fair either..How exactly do you account for or stop people from putting in multiple entries? Services will adapt..

And before you say that everyone has the opportunity to put in "x" amount of entries, everyone also has the opportunity to use "bots"

For the gamma 11 release at FNL, I put in 1 entry while others put 8-10 entries.  
omg.  thats so easy .. just make one entry per person per address and payment method much match shipping and billing address problem solved. 

no different then how HOH handles in-store raffles. 
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Horrible idea.

They are pretty much scrambling at this point to do anything but produce enough pairs to go around.

God forbid. The elephant in the room is clear here. 

They are hanging on to their precious little hype for dear life.

RSVP has been a fail, random releases have been a fail, captchas have been a fail, and this will be a fail.

Make more shoes or shut the hell up Nike.
half a million pairs is not enough to go around? i dont know older numbers but that seems like enough for people who truly want the shoe on release day to get them. Resellers are the problem, if they released a million pairs that just means more for resellers to grab and resell to the few who want them. Demand seems high cuz of resellers but honestly it probably isnt any higher than before, some people who copped back in the day dont cop anymore and the new kids are copping so it prob evens out in that way. If we as the actual consumer stop purchasing from resellers then everything would fall back into place after the resellers lose money on a few releases but it aint gunna happen and until this shoe fad calms down our releases blow
Not really. I'd give you 10 grands right now if you can hack an 8 digits passwords lol. I don't care how good of a hacker/programmer you are. It's gonna take a toll on you lol.

It's not impossible but i doubt anyone will have the time and desire to do that.

It's nothing to brute force an 8 digit number (assuming you truly meant number since you said "digit" and not "character").
50k pairs of shoes and 50k generated codes for account holders. Not really sure how someone would circumvent that? If theres a review of the account history you'd be able to tell who is on some bs and who's not. Eliminate no purchase accounts or recently created accounted accounts to sort through more bs. I 
Shouldn't be that hard to implement an extra click to hit the 'unlock' button, then paste the code that you already have copied to your clipboard, then proceed with the add to cart process...
If what he said is true tho, I would prefer that over sending codes to RANDOMLY 'selected' people. 

I mean as many NTers have already said here, everyone is going to create 50thousands of dummy ndc account just to receive that code,

How do you prevent that than?

Eliminate those without any purchase history?

Would that mean e.g. anybody new to the US wont be able to cop from NDC for ever?
If what he said is true tho, I would prefer that over sending codes to RANDOMLY 'selected' people. 

I mean as many NTers have already said here, everyone is going to create 50thousands of dummy ndc account just to receive that code,

How do you prevent that than?

Eliminate those without any purchase history?

Would that mean e.g. anybody new to the US wont be able to cop from NDC for ever?
how does HOH eliminate you from dropping 100 raffles in the raffle box?  
how does HOH eliminate you from dropping 100 raffles in the raffle box?  
My HOH the manager takes your license and fills out the ticket with your info and asks u your size. If you go on multiple days to put tickets in and you're ticket is picked more than once you are eliminated.

There are actually 99,999,999 (00000001-99999999) possible 8 digit combinations (1 short of a billion).

Xieve can do 1.5b/minute...meaning, in theory, an 8 digit number could be deduced in 40 seconds or less.

This is of course wholly dependent on the 8 digit code actually being all numbers. If letters or special characters are thrown into the mix, all bets are off.
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lets just end this discussion now, i have an access code for the lebron 2k14s and it is numbers and letters, it is also 16 digits

access codes are formatted like this 12A3-4BC5-6DEF-789G
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My HOH the manager takes your license and fills out the ticket with your info and asks u your size. If you go on multiple days to put tickets in and you're ticket is picked more than once you are eliminated.
it will be more difficult to avoid repeated entries for online 'raffles' tho. Simply because the person does not HAVE to be there to 'put the tickets in'.

e.g. if it requires ur License number you can just collect that information from like 10 people in the family and put in 10 entries by one person.
Wait so exactly does the FNL draft system work?
sign-up online. There's only so many FNL's in a city and it's fair to me. You have to show up with an ID and it's not like you're guaranteed to have all your entries hit so it's pretty fair. People like the raffle tickets, but those, too, are circumvented by having families enter.

Difference with FNL vs current NDC is that 1 service can cop 30-100 pairs at a time. The draft is just luck of the draw.
NDC always throwing curve balls. Access code or not, it still won't solve the bot issue and the lame TLO bs.
Horrible idea.

They are pretty much scrambling at this point to do anything but produce enough pairs to go around.

God forbid. The elephant in the room is clear here. 

They are hanging on to their precious little hype for dear life.

RSVP has been a fail, random releases have been a fail, captchas have been a fail, and this will be a fail.

Make more shoes or shut the hell up Nike.

So I'm guessing Nike used the 2k Lebrons as a stepping stone for access codes? Makes sense but those were so easily attainable for everyone, not sure what to think of this
dont even care anymore. this method will work for a handful of releases. then back to square one. cue the AI bot thread
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