New Raffel System To Purchase Retros?

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Jan 8, 2013
So I recently decided to come out of retirement from the Jordan game. Mind you I've been out the game for over a decade, So I go down to the mall this Saturday earl to buy the Retro XIII. All of a sudden I see the a few people standing around no line. Then I hear " You have to win a raffle to buy pair". Im like WTF!!! A RAFFEL! What part of the game is this? A damn raffel determines who gets J's and who doesn't. What happened to the determination of standing in line early before the footlocker opens to buy a pair. I still eneded up getting a pair for retail price my buddy has a solid connect. My question to NTers is this how it is nation wide or just in Northern Cali, and what are some tips on winning these gay *** raffles?
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