New Report - Aaron Hernandez Molested as a Child - p. 167

Hmmm murder

Murder is like the worst thing, there's no coming back from that
Yeah Aaron Hernandez is a low life

Hes actually worse than Sharper but looking at some of these posts, you would not know it
How is he worse than a SERIAL rapist? [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Raping women all over the States does not equate to "allegedly" gunning down other street ******.

tell that to dudes out on the yards
Hmmm murder

Murder is like the worst thing, there's no coming back from that


You serious?
i thought dude meant it as in reputation, thus the OJ pic

but ray lewis disagrees
Dude is getting off this one. Still no verdict. If the justice system works the way it is suppose to , we will have a not guilty verdict
Killing another dude that's also in the street life is not worst than raping multiple women


In the streets you have a choice to better ya self and get out or become part of the lifestyle........user, gang banger, jack boy, dealer, tax fraud (free bands) etc. it don't matter they are all part of the street cycle

Those women had NO choice they went out to have drinks and solcialize and got drugged by a guy slipping drugs into their drinks only to get sexually assaulted. This dude did this in multiple states with multiple women like he was putting on a date rape national tour.
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You do realize Hernandez killed two immigrants from Cape Verde for spilling a drink on him right ?

They worked for a cleaning company . They were janitors . Not Users, dealers, any of that

As far as Lloyd; he barely knew Hernandez. Their friendship was brand new. Hernandez killed these dudes because he was strung out on PCP. A dusthead. Not because there was any legitimate problems relating to any illegal activity

Just trying to keep the facts straight

Sharper and Hernandez both deserve life in prison
I still have a hard time believing this man was on PCP :lol:

Like how do you go on national TV and talk on ESPN and sound completely normal, do sponsor **** for Puma plus be one of the best tight ends in the league for a Super Bowl contender while strung out on PCP
I still have a hard time believing this man was on PCP :lol:

Like how do you go on national TV and talk on ESPN and sound completely normal, do sponsor **** for Puma plus be one of the best tight ends in the league for a Super Bowl contender while strung out on PCP

High (no pun) functioning dusthead...
I still have a hard time believing this man was on PCP :lol:

Like how do you go on national TV and talk on ESPN and sound completely normal, do sponsor **** for Puma plus be one of the best tight ends in the league for a Super Bowl contender while strung out on PCP

Replace "while strung out on PCP" with "when you just murdered a bunch of people" and it sounds just as crazy. :lol:
You do realize Hernandez killed two immigrants from Cape Verde for spilling a drink on him right ?

They worked for a cleaning company . They were janitors . Not Users, dealers, any of that

As far as Lloyd; he barely knew Hernandez. Their friendship was brand new. Hernandez killed these dudes because he was strung out on PCP. A dusthead. Not because there was any legitimate problems relating to any illegal activity

Just trying to keep the facts straight

Sharper and Hernandez both deserve life in prison
What kind of janitors be out partying at Boston's sexiest lounge doe?  How you know them cats wasn't doing dirt? 
I knew a dude who was a decent dealer who worked a janitor job to look halfway legit lol

Dude had one of the nicest cars in the parking lot
I knew a dude who was a decent dealer who worked a janitor job to look halfway legit lol

Dude had one of the nicest cars in the parking lot

A rather common thing I've come to learn

I had no idea my elementary school janitor was the weed man until I grew up.

him driving a Cadillac made more sense then.
I knew a dude who was a decent dealer who worked a janitor job to look halfway legit lol

Dude had one of the nicest cars in the parking lot

:lol: In HS, our janitor had a jag and enough gold chains to make Mr. T jealous.
What kind of janitors be out partying at Boston's sexiest lounge doe?  How you know them cats wasn't doing dirt? 


Anyone can get into that club, but I know you know that :lol:

Just trying to keep yall updated on the facts of the case and the background of the victims because there's a large amount of false info in this thread
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