New Report - Aaron Hernandez Molested as a Child - p. 167

"Will you be around tnight, i need dat" . When i see that, i see AH requesting $$ for the work he cuffed Lloyd

is that what YOU really see?

:lol: come on now

"Will you be around tnight, i need dat"

Ive texted this to a girl before.....
That Seagate Barracuda is what has all the work on it!

Lol that was prob the first thing the detectives hit up!
"Will you be around tnight, i need dat" . When i see that, i see AH requesting $$ for the work he cuffed Lloyd

is that what YOU really see?

:lol: come on now

"Will you be around tnight, i need dat"

Ive texted this to a girl before.....

:lol: I kinda thought that too for a second but if Lloyd was a dealer, I figured he meant he wanted to get high & go out.

Plus the fact that allegedly all 3 of those guys were there when the murder happened. Why would you need to hear it from the other guy who was in the car that AH told him that he shot him. So your telling me 3 of you went to an industrial park and the only way you know AH pulled the trigger was because you heard from the other guy that was there that AH told HIM he pulled the trigger? Yea ok.

I didn't understand that either if Ortiz was supposedly 1 of the other 2 in the car with AH.
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is that what YOU really see?

:lol: come on now

"Will you be around tnight, i need dat"

Ive texted this to a girl before.....

Honestly when i read that, i really did figure Hernandez was trying to grab som $ Lloyd owed him. What else would Hernandez need from Lloyd?
Unless Aaron was just trying to grab something from Lloyd for recreational use. Its all speculation at this point but im pretty sure Hernandez and Lloyd had their hands in the same pot one way or another.

Could be completely wrong though :lol:
"Will you be around tnight, i need dat" . When i see that, i see AH requesting $$ for the work he cuffed Lloyd. But was AH really funding a low level pot operation? Like really bro? You just got a 12 million dollar signing bonus and you have dudes in Dorchester slinging half ropes for you? Coming into Boston to come pick up a couple thousand dollars?

He could have simply meant he needed that work, for himself.

AH was baiting him with the "I'm lookin for a couple zips of that White Widow to turnnn up".. "plus we can step out on the town for a lil bit"
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He could have simply meant he needed that work, for himself.

AH was baiting him with the "I'm lookin for a couple zips of that White Widow to turnnn up".. "plus we can step out on the town for a lil bit"

True. I guess i just kind of figured Hernandez was funding Lloyds operation. Its a possibility Lloyd has been pumping trees for years now and Aaron was actually a customer of Lloyds, not a provider. But at the same time, that dynamic just doesnt make sense to me .
"I need dat" is definitely code for "I need something that should not be talked about", and when it doesn't mean that it means something sexual. With that said, I don't have a damn clue what is going on in AH's world so idfk :lol:

EDIT: No. What I really see in this situation is two clown-A drug dealers. :lol:
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:nerd: :lol: What you tryna say

BOOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rump roast. The mangina! The hotcakes! the hot dog bun! The booty!!!!

you never know. "dis *****" could have equaled jumpoff

as bizarre as that sounds. maybe they were both dlo brothas and odin was tellin folks including his enemies about it:rofl:
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Why does it seem to always go to homosexual suspicion? Especially when statistically only like 2 percent of the population is supposedly homosexual
Why does it seem to always go to homosexual suspicion? Especially when statistically only like 2 percent of the population is supposedly homosexual

why are you afraid that it might be homosexual driven?

2 percent? maybe 2 percent who are out of the closet...
Lol. That statement right there tells me 1 You ain't from the hood 2 You believe what you see on tv
You sir are crazy if you think there isn't a green light on dude. You dudes over here talking about timbuktu with a new face, this dude is not bringing down the mob. Yall are forgetting that AH knows this dude, his boys know this dude, as much paper as he has one way or another he can make dude change his mind.
Yea dude got his goons to ride on his boyfriend cause odin really wore the pants and AH was scared to break up with him...:stoneface: You dudes are so damn suspect with your funny @$* mentalities/ jokes
Yea I'm done with this thread....y'all fools really think "I need dat" is referencing some homosexual activity?

Stick to suburbian discussions because obviously y'all don't know **** about anything outside of that
Why does it seem to always go to homosexual suspicion? Especially when statistically only like 2 percent of the population is supposedly homosexual

why are you afraid that it might be homosexual driven?

2 percent? maybe 2 percent who are out of the closet...

Not afraid

Lets double the figure then, either way that's not a big percentage for how much we seem to talk about homosexuality
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only noblekane would bring that up :lol: :nthat:

my theory is ah hit lloyd up to get money. in addition to weed, lloyd sold some blow to people he could trust. fellow teammates, equipment manager, people he knew around his way. when AH rolled to the house and picked up lloyd, odin told him he was short hence why he didnt respond after the first text from hernandez. at the club odin was talking to a dude he wanted to cop that white from. he had enough of hernandez and the ridiculous cut AH commanded. hernandez caught wind of odin wanting to step away from ah's product and confronted him about it. lloyd nervous takes out his phone and aaron offers him a piece of bubblicious, odin texts his sister u know who i was with and told AH he was quitting the game. one of ah's boys at this point tells aaron to wash odin. he's a fool he ain't quiting he prob talking to the watchers. AH asked if that was true. odin told him to chill. it's too hot for me to be doing this now. ah's boy interjects i told u son, wash him. ah feeling the need to be the alpha male tells odin he messed up. his sister responds back to him and he texts nfl. ah asks him where his product is since he's short. odin tells him he sold it all which he did but he used the money to cop from the club supplier. odin's sister, privvy to lloyd and ah's relationship, goes in her brother's room and removes the newly bought blow and hides it in her room until she disposes of it in the morning crying as she sells it 10 cents on the dollar. hernandez nervous that he has to actually go through with this impromptu murder plan, thinks of the safest place he knows which of course is near his home since he drove past it daily. they get to the destination hernandez tells odin to exit the vehicle. ah's boys exit and fire the initial shots. lloyd falls to the ground and they hand the weapon to hernandez. buck him, kill this bleeping snitch. ah fires the final shots into lloyd's chest and they drive away.

quick little note that i didnt include above:

ah intended to bring lloyd back to his place to cut up the new batch he was to give lloyd on credit hence why they were on the way to his house. this also made it easier for hernandez to pick the site he chose.
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