New Shop in Artesia/Cerritos?

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by bomchickawowow

then the deuce, which undercuts everyone by charging less than retail to try and get a "step-up" above other stores.

call me crazy but if the retailer wants to take a hit to their bottom line by selling below retail that works out great for me. im not sure why that would make it a "worthless store".

and no i have never shopped there nor am i affiliated with any store in anyway. just a poor kid looking to get the best bang for my buck

well, its obviously not taking a hit when they purchase their stuff from sample sales and second hand items from other stores then charge under retail.heck, if i had a few g's to spend, i would've hit up every sale in the past few months (hundreds, 3sixteen, obey, Attic) and set up my own shop. its aseasy as that.
man i didnt think you cats would remember the General Store off Roseton and Artesia. Since they closed there must have been 4 or 5 shops, mostly car accessoryand truck shops that opened at that spot.
^ yeah that location seems to be a bad spot for businesses. anybody who tries to open up shop there seem to close.

on a lighter note, my blog is better than yours!!
I sense a lot of "clearance sales" coming up this year. A lot of L's gonna be taken, time to clean up
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