New Shots BMW 7 Series Sport Package - Not M7 vol KayCurrency!!!


Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

The LS was NOT a rip off of the 7 series, it looks nothing like it, the NEW 7 series definitely jacked the rear design of the Lexus LS, not to mention the Lexus LS> 7 series, the 7 series is ridiculously over rated, its the only bmw i would never want to own, nice car yea, but the Mercedes S class and Lexus LS models outshine the 7 sorry.

As a matter of fact here are some quotes from reviews when the new LS came out in 2007

Lexus has been more of a design pioneer inside its cars, with a focus on usability, and the new LS continues this tradition. They might have copied BMW on the outside, but there's no Bavarian influence to be found on the inside.

The broader shoulders of the LS460 are subtly familiar, bringing to mind the new Mercedes S-Class. But BMW is clearly also a strong influence in the rear, with the 460's high decklid unmistakably reminiscent of the 7-Series' "Bangle butt."

But at this year's North American International Auto Show, designs resembling Mr. Bangle's work are cropping up in cars from several BMW rivals, including Toyota Motor Corp.'s new Camry and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class from DaimlerChrysler AG's Mercedes division, both of which sport raised trunks.
[BMW chief designer Chris Bangle]

"Suddenly, everyone is trying to do the kind of styling for which the auto journalists criticized the BMW group so loudly," BMW Chief Executive Helmut Panke crowed at a dinner with reporters here. "You look at the Camry rear end and you see another 7 Series. It is not the 'Bangle butt' anymore."

The new LS 460 from Toyota's Lexus brand also has a profile that almost exactly follows that of the 7 Series, while models from Nissan Motor Co.'s Inifiniti brand have moved to a modernist styling.


From top, the 2001 BMW 740i, the BMW 745i after Mr. Bangle's redesign and the 2007 Lexus LS 460

Leftlane news notes today that BMW Group Chief Designer Christopher Bangle has gone from car design pariah to messiah, based on the fleet of BMW look-alike models cropping up on rivals' stands at the Detroit Auto Show this week. Mild-mannered Toyota, which once mimicked Mercedes' staid lines, is now clearly aiming now at high-flying BMW with the more emotional styling of its new IS and LS models. Even rival Mercedes, which lost the global lead in premium car sales to BMW this year, is taking on Bimmer attributes, with models that boast a more muscular, dynamic stance - just look at the new S Class.

Pay attention to the last quote in particular. Toyota and the rest of the Japanese auto makers have a LONG HISTORY of copying German designs. This does not mean they don't make cars because they do. You are just very misinformed when you say that BMW copied Lexus. It is actually the other way around. This is not my opinion. It is actually fact.

not that serious to start pulling out quotes
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

The LS was NOT a rip off of the 7 series, it looks nothing like it, the NEW 7 series definitely jacked the rear design of the Lexus LS, not to mention the Lexus LS> 7 series, the 7 series is ridiculously over rated, its the only bmw i would never want to own, nice car yea, but the Mercedes S class and Lexus LS models outshine the 7 sorry.

As a matter of fact here are some quotes from reviews when the new LS came out in 2007

Lexus has been more of a design pioneer inside its cars, with a focus on usability, and the new LS continues this tradition. They might have copied BMW on the outside, but there's no Bavarian influence to be found on the inside.

The broader shoulders of the LS460 are subtly familiar, bringing to mind the new Mercedes S-Class. But BMW is clearly also a strong influence in the rear, with the 460's high decklid unmistakably reminiscent of the 7-Series' "Bangle butt."

But at this year's North American International Auto Show, designs resembling Mr. Bangle's work are cropping up in cars from several BMW rivals, including Toyota Motor Corp.'s new Camry and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class from DaimlerChrysler AG's Mercedes division, both of which sport raised trunks.
[BMW chief designer Chris Bangle]

"Suddenly, everyone is trying to do the kind of styling for which the auto journalists criticized the BMW group so loudly," BMW Chief Executive Helmut Panke crowed at a dinner with reporters here. "You look at the Camry rear end and you see another 7 Series. It is not the 'Bangle butt' anymore."

The new LS 460 from Toyota's Lexus brand also has a profile that almost exactly follows that of the 7 Series, while models from Nissan Motor Co.'s Inifiniti brand have moved to a modernist styling.


From top, the 2001 BMW 740i, the BMW 745i after Mr. Bangle's redesign and the 2007 Lexus LS 460

Leftlane news notes today that BMW Group Chief Designer Christopher Bangle has gone from car design pariah to messiah, based on the fleet of BMW look-alike models cropping up on rivals' stands at the Detroit Auto Show this week. Mild-mannered Toyota, which once mimicked Mercedes' staid lines, is now clearly aiming now at high-flying BMW with the more emotional styling of its new IS and LS models. Even rival Mercedes, which lost the global lead in premium car sales to BMW this year, is taking on Bimmer attributes, with models that boast a more muscular, dynamic stance - just look at the new S Class.

Pay attention to the last quote in particular. Toyota and the rest of the Japanese auto makers have a LONG HISTORY of copying German designs. This does not mean they don't make cars because they do. You are just very misinformed when you say that BMW copied Lexus. It is actually the other way around. This is not my opinion. It is actually fact.

not that serious to start pulling out quotes

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by trethousandgt

The LS was NOT a rip off of the 7 series, it looks nothing like it, the NEW 7 series definitely jacked the rear design of the Lexus LS, not to mention the Lexus LS> 7 series, the 7 series is ridiculously over rated, its the only bmw i would never want to own, nice car yea, but the Mercedes S class and Lexus LS models outshine the 7 sorry.

As a matter of fact here are some quotes from reviews when the new LS came out in 2007

Lexus has been more of a design pioneer inside its cars, with a focus on usability, and the new LS continues this tradition. They might have copied BMW on the outside, but there's no Bavarian influence to be found on the inside.

The broader shoulders of the LS460 are subtly familiar, bringing to mind the new Mercedes S-Class. But BMW is clearly also a strong influence in the rear, with the 460's high decklid unmistakably reminiscent of the 7-Series' "Bangle butt."

But at this year's North American International Auto Show, designs resembling Mr. Bangle's work are cropping up in cars from several BMW rivals, including Toyota Motor Corp.'s new Camry and the Mercedes-Benz S-Class from DaimlerChrysler AG's Mercedes division, both of which sport raised trunks.
[BMW chief designer Chris Bangle]

"Suddenly, everyone is trying to do the kind of styling for which the auto journalists criticized the BMW group so loudly," BMW Chief Executive Helmut Panke crowed at a dinner with reporters here. "You look at the Camry rear end and you see another 7 Series. It is not the 'Bangle butt' anymore."

The new LS 460 from Toyota's Lexus brand also has a profile that almost exactly follows that of the 7 Series, while models from Nissan Motor Co.'s Inifiniti brand have moved to a modernist styling.


From top, the 2001 BMW 740i, the BMW 745i after Mr. Bangle's redesign and the 2007 Lexus LS 460

Leftlane news notes today that BMW Group Chief Designer Christopher Bangle has gone from car design pariah to messiah, based on the fleet of BMW look-alike models cropping up on rivals' stands at the Detroit Auto Show this week. Mild-mannered Toyota, which once mimicked Mercedes' staid lines, is now clearly aiming now at high-flying BMW with the more emotional styling of its new IS and LS models. Even rival Mercedes, which lost the global lead in premium car sales to BMW this year, is taking on Bimmer attributes, with models that boast a more muscular, dynamic stance - just look at the new S Class.

Pay attention to the last quote in particular. Toyota and the rest of the Japanese auto makers have a LONG HISTORY of copying German designs. This does not mean they don't make cars because they do. You are just very misinformed when you say that BMW copied Lexus. It is actually the other way around. This is not my opinion. It is actually fact.

not that serious to start pulling out quotes


i don't see where you got that from, but okay?
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