New Special Edition T.M.X Elmo = FLOP!!!!!!!!!

Aug 25, 2007

Just went by my local Walmart and they had a full shelf of them collecting dust.

Then I go on ebay and they are reselling for $25

I guess there will be no Elmo money this Christmas.
no one knows about them yet. mass media hasnt told the parents their kids must HAVE these yet
^^^^ ehh,

I wouldn't bet on that. It's like the only thing they did was put the old elmo in a different colored box.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If there was no initial hype for this Elmo and Walmart has them in full stock, is it really a flop?
'Cause a singing Elmo isn't it.

A Tickle-Me Elmo is, well... supposed to laugh from being tickled.

A singing, ticklish Elmo just seems corny.

Then again, I don't know what's cornier...

A singing, ticklish Elmo... or a grown man who bought a TMX Elmo for himself,

and was looking forward to buying this TMX Elmo SE as well.

SMH @ me.
you guys say they are flops but obvs have no background in business whatsoever

just b/c they arent sold out doesnt make them a flop, trust me they are making bank of them

just b/c you can resell something and make $50 a pop on it hardly makes it a flop
I didnt get my hands on them yet. But damn this was my holiday come up. Time for plan B.
Just went by my local Walmart and
Why did you do that?????? Walmart is a Big Business demon. They are about everything other than the working class American. They are union busters& everything that the average American should be against. They trick you with there "everyday low prices". They tell their employees to apply forwelfare as a solution to health insurance in order to keep prices low. All of these "low prices" come at a cost. And it happens to be the averageAmerican.� They are monopolies in many small rural towns in this country. People have no other choice in many communities other than to work for Walmart. Theykeep employee hours at "part time" in these communities where they have no other choice but to work for them in order to not pay benefits. As aresult, children are left without doctor visits. All so you can have substandard Chinese products that have conveniently slipped by regulation standards inthis country.
I guess parents are starting to realize toys like this are a waste.

@ ppl reselling these.
yeah, i was plannin on picking up a few, but i watched a few auctions that day, and they weren't going for anything at all, i told myself i'd wait tillthe end of the week to see if it would pick up any because there was still a crapload on the shelves, but now that i see they're not even going for retailit's time for a plan B
Originally Posted by iLLscan

Just went by my local Walmart and
Why did you do that?????? Walmart is a Big Business demon. They are about everything other than the working class American. They are union busters & everything that the average American should be against. They trick you with there "everyday low prices". They tell their employees to apply for welfare as a solution to health insurance in order to keep prices low. All of these "low prices" come at a cost. And it happens to be the average American.� They are monopolies in many small rural towns in this country. People have no other choice in many communities other than to work for Walmart. They keep employee hours at "part time" in these communities where they have no other choice but to work for them in order to not pay benefits. As a result, children are left without doctor visits. All so you can have substandard Chinese products that have conveniently slipped by regulation standards in this country.

For reals? i went and watched the DVD about walmart and how "small business" hate them. but on the real, which small business doesn't wannabe as big as walmart? and for those people you're talking about tell them to work somewhere else, get educated, and get a career. walmart is helping themout with a job, they applied, not forced by gun. And as for whooping on small businesses and taking them out, its a dog eat dog world and u know damn well ifur products sell better for half the price why not? word to american gangster. Walmart is where its at.
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