New York Yankees Official Thread - RIP Former Manager Petey Rose

Sonny Gray > Paxton
Justus Sheffield > Paxton
Anyone of our young Arms > Paxton

This team is overrated, **** it. Losing to this bum *** team and can’t score runs when Charlie got knocked out the game. Embarrassing ducking loss.
Clint and Tauchman both should play over Gardner.

Also Clint can make Andujar expendable as well.

I’d trade Andujar right now for a front end starter.
Andujar won’t get a front end starter - at best a mid 3 is my guess
Him being a Young guy who can rake and cost controlled can get a 2-3 imo (Ace is it’s own tier), probably have to throw in a couple of those older minor league guys who will never have a chance here that they always throw into deals.

Also we better be giving Tanaka a contract after this season.
No clue why Clint hasn't been playing. Great bat and a great athlete. Defense is shaky but no way Gardner should be starting over him.
i wasnt all for gardner being benched due to the amount of homeruns last yr but its obvious his speed n strength is declining its time to either give clint F a chance or just trade him while his value is still high cuz its obvious the kid can play n belongs on a roster whether his defense at times can be shaky
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