Next "Superstar" to be confirmed a Fraud

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I just really hope 2... no, 3... names never, EVER come anywhere close to accusations. Those names on the list, what is it, 130 MLBers? 103 names? Whatever the number is of confirmed juicers is, I hope that there are 3 names that aren't on it, and that never, EVER come out of the mouths of those 'in the know' (like Canseco, who is still batting 1.000% on this issue, no matter how big of a brainless doofus he is).

- Ken Griffey, Jr.
- Chipper Jones
- Tony Gwynn

If one of those 3 names is on that list of names... if one of those 3 is named by a credible source...
You can make a case for Chipper though

What I don't get is why some of you guys are saying, "I hope Ichiro or Jeter isn't on the list.". Why would BASE HITTERS take roids?? I'mnot some baseball guru, but from my understanding usually you can co-relate steriod use with power home run hitters. I.E. Sosa, Bonds, McGuire, Sheffield,Thome etc.
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