NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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All is right in the world, another Patriots-less SB :hat .

Not for nothing, but Pats were just outplayed by the end of the first quarter and on. Bunch of Brady missthrows, and the D just couldn't stop Peyton. Thought the decision to go for it on 4th & 2 was pretty asinine too.

With that said, go Hawks. Just think it would be more entertaining to see Peyton vs that D over the 9ers D.
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As one of the biggest jets fans on here I can't bealive how bad Cindy Brady got beat he looked terrible td wow unreal still in shock
Brady left the field with out shaking everybody hand
Oh he has bad sportsmanship :rolleyes

most key players after big games walk off the field/court and go straight to the locker room and shake hands with the opposite team/players in the hallway of the arena/stadium after the team is done with the trophy celebration

im sure Brady will stop by the Broncos looker room and talk to Manning and cameras will be there to get the footage most likely
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Congrats to the Broncos and their fans.


Amazing game by him; rooting for him to finish the job in two weeks.
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