NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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Texans got GB and B-More next?

yep. the packers who just lost to the colts, and the same baltimore team that scored 9 against KC. for whatever that's worth.

ugly win, but wins are wins. we knew the the lack of WR depth would be an issue. left a lot of points on the board. do yall finally believe me when i say jj watt is the best defensive lineman in the league. 8.5 sacks playing 3-4 d end.
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Was playing on all-madden..
Would have rather had a 31-7 beatdown, but I guess you have to scrap sometimes. **** though, it's the Jets
It's worth something but not too much IMO. Teams struggle.

Both games SHOULD be tough and show where the Texans stand going forward.

Gotta stay healthy.
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Good lord no. You think its a circus now. Bring in T.O and watch what happens.

if i were the jets, i'd call him up. They need that experience since Holmes is out..

and :rofl: @ JJ after the game "he thought he could put the ball over me" *DEAD*
Didn't another receiver go down tonight? Kerly is a #4 WR, trying to make a name for himself and being the primary target. Chad Schillings is buns, and Cromartie isn't a WR. The season is already on the brink of destruction, might as well bring in T.O./Ocho/GLOCKSICO Burress
Steve Young summed up Mark Sanchez at this point. Needs more fire. He's just blah some times with his play. Maybe he's just that way kinda how Cutler is chill. But his job is on the line. Tebow is there for a reason. He's a weapon and decoy. As a quarterback he brings emotion, intensity and belief. Can't exactly say that about mark.
we didn't get off the field at times when we should have and needed too. the play calling was very predictable at times. biggest question mark for me is how do we convert 3rd and 7-15's when we need to. ran the ball very well. being able to control the clock is very key in our success.
Was at the game....

Athomspehre was great :pimp: thought it would be hostile but Jets fans were classy :pimp: :pimp: had fun

Houston left too many TDs on the field, any other team and we lose tonight, cant take the foot off the gas.

Had we scored on that Into before the end of the half it wouldve been over, i had no idea what the DB was doing slowing down.

Watt DPOY :pimp: :pimp:

Packers come to town next week, hopefully this awakens the team and they play the Packers correctly, cause Arod will make us pay.

Great game jets fans, alot better than what i thought it would be :pimp:
Good game texans fans.
do work son
peep game
anyone i forgot....
:rolleyes :smh: |I

nah son, very good game, had my worried till the end, not gonna lie.

That McKnight TD gave yall some life.

:lol: sanchez though :lol: :smh:

and Tebow :smh: :smh:
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