NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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This little Cowboys comeback is nice and all, but it's fools gold.

I don't see them coming all the way back.

But I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong.
Wouldn't 'eem feel an ounce of worry if I was a Giants fan.

This is all inevitably setting up the usual Eli comeback late in the 4th, assuming the Cowboys do their part.
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No faith. Theyve shown improvement. Witten was terriible early in the year and now he catches everything. Three of the last four games dez has been a monster and still has room to improve. We havent had nearly as many bs offsides and illegal shifts. Also cut down on the plays late in the playclock. - to toine

Im hype man this is almost like buffalo 07
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Giants are covering down the field alright but the lack of pressure doesn't look good, offense needs to show up sooner or later.
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