NFL Discussion Thread - Hall of Fame Game: August 3rd

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question. theirs alot of teams where the head coaches doesn't call the plays on offense or defense.

what exactly do they do if they're not calling the plays? do they say they want a run play and the OC picks what run play to use, ??
"Let's run an offensive play here and wait till next down to punt"
Jerry Jones strips playcalling duties from Garrett.


:lol: :lol:

Jones was calling the plays anyway, so it's the same ol same ol :lol:
Nice spin on that article. Garrett has stated it was his decision to do so. Whether that's true or not remains the case, but that article just assumes Garrett didn't want to relinquish playcalling.

And Jay Ratliff has been arrested for...DWI...

You'd think he'd learn from Josh Brent killing a teammate. Guess not.

Two NT's arrested....:smh:

Cowboys Nose Tackles like to drive drunk...
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So nobody noticed Titus Young losing his got damn mind on Twitter earlier.

I have never hated a pro athlete so much in my life.
Hope Goodell drops the hammer on Ratliff. He hit and 18 wheeler, and it hasn't even been 2 months since his teammate killed another teammate. Just plain stupid. 
:smh: @ Ratliff. You gotta be smarter than that dude.

The bawse Jerry Jones telling Garrett his days are numbered by stripping him of his play calling. Didn't he hire him for his play calling? I don't understand how they run stuff down there.
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:smh: @ Ratliff. You gotta be smarter than that dude.

The bawse Jerry Jones telling Garrett his days are numbered by stripping him of his play calling. Didn't he hire him for his play calling? I don't understand how they run stuff down there.

It's ok, JJ knows what he's doing... I mean just look at the teams success over the last .... Oh
FIrst offense so most likely he'll be good.

That's the problem, there should be exceptions. Major sports treat DUI's/DWI's like they don't mean anything. Same **** in MLB. Shouldn't matter if it's his first offense, like others are saying, you lost two teammates not two months ago don't you think you should have some more common sense?
Tom Brady kicks Ed Reed during a game? No fine.

Trent Williams smacks the s*** out of Richard Sherman after a game? $7,500 fine.

Frank Gore wears his socks too low during a game? $10,500 fine.

Great job cleaning up the game Roger. SMH. Talk about getting your priorities wrong.
^ Tom Brady could cleat a ref in a game and here would be no flag.

I probably should have left Brady off of that post, because your reply is focused on his God-like status in the NFL. More importantly, punching a player after a game yields a lesser fine than low socks?

Goddell and your NT namesake have their priorities all f***ed up. Loved dude as a player, hate him as an NFL front office worker.
The sad thing is I noticed Frank's socks were low, I think due to contact, and thought he better pull them up. :lol:
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