NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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If what we've been typing was an actual conversation we were all having in person... Lol

"End of story"


Nah I don't need to address any of that nah. End of story.


View media item 1357172
Yes #neverforget

#NeverForget :smokin

View media item 1357174
end of the day you still referred to trent richardson as a "BEAST", sit down...

It's not like I just explained "beast" was only used because of how he used it to describe Blackmon's production, but

Somewhere down the line you're related to an idiot.
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If what we've been typing was an actual conversation we were all having in person... Lol

"End of story"


Nah I don't need to address any of that nah. End of story.

what the **** does this even mean? so what wouldve happened if we wouldve been in person?
You sound like the type of dude who's never seen or played a game of football in reality and just spits out numbers. Mr. over here
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You guys just don't know when to stop talking to one another when it's over stupid ****.

It's a message board man, this is the only platform to carry that out :lol: the only place where everybody gets the final word :lol:
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I meant in-person like if you were having a debate with somebody in person and that had been your response, it's like "... uuhoh k." Not like a fight :lol:

Richardson had only 500 fewer receiving yards than Blackmon, and then 950 rushing yards and 12 total TD. Blackmon is more 'beast' for sure, but "beasted" means 'we saw it on the field' and what we saw on the field was not up to par with Richardson.

That's all.
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What QB will be in Buffalo with Rex? Cutler? They were only a game or so out of the postseason with Manuel/Orton (who was off and on but definitely not horrible in spots)
Rex apparently doesn't care. I expect the QB troubles in Buffalo will remain as it is now throughout Rex's tenure.
I kind of dig the dolphins changing their football stadium into a futbol stadium.
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AdamSchefter @Adam Schefter 4m
BREAKING: New US-Cuba travel and trade rule update: Commissioner Goodell meeting with Cuban officials about a possible expansion franchise called the 'Cuban Cigars.'
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