NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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So that's why Rodgers didn't throw on Sherman in the season opener.

Adams could've made a better attempt to get that ball.

Russell Wilson returns the favor with a pick.
If I'm a coach and any of my players are talking trash, you're getting chewed the **** out and running until you pass out after the game. The rule is a joke but that's a brutal flag and you know it's gonna get called often :smh:
I'll never understand why Rodgers uses that Pop Warner chin strap. At least get one of them padded joints
lets try it again pack :nerd: need my boy davante adams to eat. fresno state football :nthat:
Themrefs need to calm do with the taunting unsportsmanlike crap. It was the first 5 min of the game at least give him a warning.
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