NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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**** THE WORLD!!! THE Doubters and a SPecial ****kk you TO the ***** *** **** boi bum *** nuner nation!!!!! WE're GOING TO THE suupwbowl
If pats win this game. I'll be rootng for the seahwaks and if the colts win this game, I want drew to get his :pimp:
Packers flat out blew this game. Seattle's offense was garbage all day and watch Russell get praised for this. :lol:

he should. he sucked all game but made it look easy them last few drives

Nah. I ain't fallen for that. Lynch was the only one that showed up on offense and the defense kept 'em in it. Then dude on Green Bay f'ed up on the punt and that was game. I always give dudes their credit but this was some Tim Tebow **** Russell pulled. Fluky as hell. If he balls in the Super Bowl I'll give him his due, but this? He'll no.
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**** THE WORLD!!! THE Doubters and a SPecial ****kk you TO the ***** *** **** boi bum *** nuner nation!!!!! WE're GOING TO THE suupwbowl
 your teams range from socal all the way up to Washington
Brady and CO 

Gained some respect for Wilson tonight, dude played his heart out in the 4th quarter and OT 
 even after throwing all those picks
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