NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Interesting thing about the "too conservative" criticism of McCarthy (which I agree with) is that the defense was actually playing pretty aggressive in the second half...  Game winner was on a Cover 0.

As a Hawks fan you should know that when playing against Seattle, it's smart to take the points when you can get em.

Ain't nobody worried about a shootout with ya'll.

This ain't Madden.

I completely agree with taking the points when you can get em.

But hindsight is 20/20.

People will forget the miracle it took to overcome those field goals for the win.
Bjorn Werner had bad pick written all over him, another hyped guy a lot of people had as a reach

Everybody was looking for the next Clay Matthews/Watt at that time :lol: every pass rushing white dude was getting hype. Margus Hunt and Brooks Reed come to mind.
Grigson, outside of 2012, has had a couple really subpar drafts. His FA additions have been hit or miss, too.

Hits: Vontae Davis, Darius Butler, Ahmad Bradshaw, D'Qwell, Mike Adams. They've all played well.
Misses: Trent Richardson, Donnie Avery, Darius Heyward-Bey, Hakeem Nicks, LaRon Landry, handful of other guys.
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A Generational Hall of Fame QB should be able to lift his team on his back. He apparently has the crown already so greatness should be automatic. Should've beaten the Pats 45-3.
I expected a little more out of Luck yesterday, I didn't think they would win the game but he looked like a back up out there
Andrew Luck has 13 turnovers in 6 postseason games

The TO's are his only flaw. They put everything is on his shoulders. No running game, Reggie Wayne close to the end, other WR's dropping passes, a average defense. But still he's getting further and further every year.

Man turnovers are a huge f*****ing flaw! :lol:

I like Andrew Luck but dude is a turnover machine
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Best tackling QB in the game.

Man some of his tackles are actually even kinda dirty. I forget which pick it was but the defender was lucky he didn't get his knee blown out by Luck on the hit. He was right by the sideline too probably about to go out of bounds.
Transcendent averages 255 yards (passing + rushing) and 1.7 (passing + rushing) touchdowns per playoff/SB game.

Transcendent's team has put up 24, 28, 23, 23, 43, 31, and 28 points in those games.

Transcendent's defense in those games:
11 interceptions
2 pick sixes
15 forced fumbles
6 fumble recoveries
9 sacks
1 safety
held opponents under 39% on third down

If only every QB could have that luxury.

But these are just 'excuses' and not facts, so I'm sleep. Carry on!
Can we not resort to excuses?

Today's the first time I've watched First Take in a very long time, and Skip's Luck rant was so on point :lol: when he wins, he's a HOF lock, and when he loses, he has no teammates, boooooooohooooooo


Teams can win as underdogs in the NFL especially if the quarterback plays well

If Andrew Luck completes 55 pct of his balls and throws for over 350, has a few touchdowns and no INTs and the Colts lose, ok I'll ride with the Luck needs more help train but Luck played like *****

Luck is the guy who will get paid 25 million not his supporting cast

To who much is given, much is expected
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