NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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I was thinking, when they say 5x worse than Ray Rice, its probably something that has nothing to do with what Ray Rice did. Seems to be chatter about his past and fellas he used to associate with. Does Dez have any kind of history with gang banging? Would be the type of people to screw him over for a pay day. Footage or pictures of him with a gun could be seen worse than Ray Rice. There's been many many instances of people who associated w/ that type of business taking pictures of themselves with weapons and drugs.

There's two scenarios I've heard from two different people who I consider to be a million times more credible than the frauds spreading lies on the web.
reggie has a good niche as a pass catching back but he just can't stay healthy enough. plus now he's getting older. always a fan of dude so hopefully he finds his second wind. just wish i waited longer to buy that lions jersey since i could've gotten it 50% off.
The existence of a video involving Dez Bryant has been rumored privately for months and publicly in the media for a few days.

Mike Florio reports that the alleged incident happened in the parking lot of a Dallas-area Wal-Mart and the alleged video footage was created by a surveillance camera owned and operated by Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart has no obligation to share the contents of its surveillance videos publicly.
dmxfury dmxfury I wan't to give more information but I'm waiting to find out which of the scenarios I've been told is right. Think about it, dude could have multiple videos out there, doing multiple things, that have been viewed by multiple people.

So I don't know if the videos I've heard about are the same video the online gossipers are talking about.
dmxfury dmxfury I wan't to give more information but I'm waiting to find out which of the scenarios I've been told is right. Think about it, dude could have multiple videos out there, doing multiple things, that have been viewed by multiple people.

So I don't know if the videos I've heard about are the same video the online gossipers are talking about.

Who are your sources man?
I have the video. Dez and Michael Sam got caught having sex in a shopping cart in a walmart parking lot in Dallas.
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