NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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someone reported seeing a woman get dragged out of a car
security goes out to check it out
he sees a mercedes with a door open with a toy on the ground
a few minutes later another car pulls up with two males in it
they said they received a call to pick up said woman
a few minutes later a benz comes up with said woman and dez in it
said woman told police that she got in argument with a guy named Alex Penson
Dez had picked her up in a house in Desoto and (I'm assuming) dropping her off to get her car.
He said he had gone to the parking lot to support her.

Janae Rice said she wasn't assaulted also. Don't really care what she said. Gotta see the footage.
@ the whining.

Nah man...just trolling. I usually don't do it, but I felt like doing it today. 

Or maybe it's just a slow work day. IDK. 

Maybe I'll pull a disappearing act for ~2 weeks and silently figure it out. 
Wasn't that incident with his mom already well known? Why is it suddenly resurfacing again?
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[COLOR=#red]because Dez Bryant slander is news right now.
Nah man...just trolling. I usually don't do it, but I felt like doing it today. :smokin

Or maybe it's just a slow work day. IDK. 

Maybe I'll pull a disappearing act for ~2 weeks and silently figure it out. :smokin

Disappearing act? Keep trying I guess. It's not that serious, nothing to "figure out". Congrats on your Superbowl. Didn't know I had a stalker :smokin

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To me, in a *very* weird sort of way...there's a chance this might be good for Dez in his present situation.

The bat signal's been out for every type of 'newz' website to obtain that video and the almighty TMZ has only been able to scrounge this up. Which if I'm not mistaken is a previously known incident. I'm not saying there ain't anything out there, but if this is the best TMZ could do right now...

Yesterday it was supposed to be doomsday for ol' boy. The TMZ vid + more details in that police report is not doomsday at all.
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As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate baseball.

Screw that, I've learned to hate it even more. Less time on earth = less time to spend sitting in front of the TV for 4 hours to watch 1 game out of a 200 game schedule.

**** that noise.

Will I go to a park to watch a game? Absolutely.
Will I watch baseball on my television? Not a chance in hell -- until the playoffs.
I think if it was really that bad it would've came out already. Especially if he's beating a chick up or something, especially after this year.
TMZ is pathetic 
So thirsty.

Really a microcosm of this social media age.

The police report about the Walmart seems like much ado about nothing.

Maybe the footage says otherwise and incriminates Dez.
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