NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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Snap on the wrong cadence and a false start. Both related back to the quarterback. Not a great start at all for Hoyer.

That drop. :stoneface:
This would be the dumbest quarterback "competition" ever if the two of them only get two series a piece. The first quarter isn't even over yet.
miscommunication on that manziel-cameron play. it was a zone. i'm assuming he thought cameron would sit his route down? that chemistry will come in time.

kind of upset hoyer got pulled so early though.
Buc - I think the Browns are gonna roll w/ Manziel as the starter. He's getting early game reps for a reason.
Griffin's brakes are shot
dude looks so clumsy at the end of his scrambles
So we just gotta accept all these rule changes and flags and take it up the rear

How can you possibly ruin football. Like, how. You have to really sit there for weeks and months to scientifically **** football up. Jesus
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