NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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" In this case, Dolphins owner Stephen Ross will be required to write a check for $60 million, with Suh getting plenty of it up front and the rest going to an escrow account for future distribution.

Other teams (and likely the league office) won’t like this. If owners who have the cash to make that kind of commitment start making that kind of commitment, they’ll have a huge advantage when it comes to signing players. Eventually, the richest owners will take over the league.

Some believe that, previously, the richest owners have resisted doing it out of respect for the owners who can’t. Ross may be blazing a trail that sparks renewed acrimony between the NFL’s haves and the have-mores. "

So... If he gets the $60 million up front his cap number stays down. Hmmmmm... if true, Well done Steven Ross, well done.

The Dolphins just have money to spend this year, they're not doing anything new.

Every team makes money, every team can do this.
Every owner doesn't have the liquid cash to do this. Some of these dudes have to use that NFL profit to live off; it can't all go back into the team. 
@RapSheet: The #Saints have called around, open to shopping many of their players, source say. One notable player included: TE Jimmy Graham. For real.

:nerd: :wow: :nerd: :wow:
@RapSheet: The #Saints have called around, open to shopping many of their players, source say. One notable player included: TE Jimmy Graham. For real.

:nerd: :wow: :nerd: :wow:

Saints are a sleeper for Mariota, I remember a while back someone talking about the team thinking Brees lost a step and the team plans to start a transition
@RapSheet: The #Saints have called around, open to shopping many of their players, source say. One notable player included: TE Jimmy Graham. For real.

:nerd: :wow: :nerd: :wow:

Saints are going to want NFL Franchise Owners first born, arm and a leg not including like 5 first round picks.
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Huge deal for Seattle. Jimmy can catch those jump balls from Russ.

Not sure why NO was just fighting last year for him and now they're trading him.
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