NFL Discussion Thread: Pats win SB XLIX. Offseason begins

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A former NFL referee told The Washington Post that he requested not to work home or away games for the Washington ******** due to the team's controversial nickname.

Mike Carey, who retired after the 2013 season following 24 years in the league, says he requested off Washington's games beginning with the 2006 season because it became clear to him that "something disrespectful" was happening and being on the field "probably (was) not the best thing for me."

"Human beings take social stances," Carey, the first African-American referee to work a Super Bowl, told the newspaper. "And if you're respectful of all human beings, you have to decide what you're going to do and why you're going to do it.

Mike Carey
George Gojkovich/Getty Images
Longtime NFL referee Mike Carey said "even if I didn't have Native American friends, the name of the team is disrespectful."
"In America we've learned that respect is the most important thing that you have. I learned it from my parents, my schools, from my faith. And when you learn there's something that might not be as respectful as you like, when you come to terms with it, you have to do something about it."

"I know that if a team had a derogatory name for African-Americans, I would help those who helped extinguish that name. I have quite a few friends who are Native Americans. And even if I didn't have Native American friends, the name of the team is disrespectful."

According to the Post's research, Carey didn't work any ******** games -- preseason, regular season or playoffs -- after Week 1 of the 2006 season.

"The league respectfully honored my request not to officiate Washington," he said.

Carey said he made the request with the person in the league office who handles officiating assignments, never going through NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

"When they were making assignments, I said I'd like to be excluded from those assignments," Carey told the Post.

At the time, Carey said that he asked that the matter be kept private. He added that he wasn't sure if Goodell, ******** owner Daniel Snyder or any other members of Washington's team knew of his preference.

Contacted by the Post, neither an NFL official nor the team said they were informed of Carey's request. The official noted that scheduling for officiating crews works around "many factors."

The Post, citing research done on, reported that Carey officiated a total of seven games involving the ******** since 1999 -- when official logs were first kept. His last game involving the team was in the 2006 playoffs, when he ejected Sean Taylor for spitting in the face of a Tampa Bay Buccaneers player during a Washington victory.

Carey said no one knew about his desire not to work ******** games after that aside from his family, his work crew and the person in the league office who did the scheduling.

"There was no reason to tell anyone," he told the Post. "I made sure I didn't have anybody else involved."

The ******** nickname, seen by some as disparaging to Native Americans, has been a source of controversy for some time while escalating in recent months.

Snyder told ESPN's "Outside the Lines" earlier this month that he is adamant he doesn't have to bow to pressure to change the nickname, insisting it's a term of honor and respect.

Carey disagrees -- and is hopeful Snyder will see it his way one day, too.

"I think sometimes evolution is slow for some people," he said. "But where else in America do you see that, though, the refusal to change? From Stanford on down, most everybody has changed from a derogatory name to one that is acceptable."
Mike Carey 


Way to take a stand! I know on here I've posted a decent amount about the various disrespectful college and pro sport team names. Please miss me with that "you didn't care before" nonsense.

Living in Alaska for virtually all of my life, you will always find SOME Native Americans that aren't offended by the name, but TRUST me, there are A LOT that see it as a sign of disrespect.

I am hoping for a name change soon.
Burgundy Blog ‏@BurgundyBlog 3m

Good look. MT @Sanford_Son: PFF has Breeland as 2nd-best CB in preseason so far. Grain of salt but impressive.

In a year or two we'll look back and see that Breeland was the best pick that the Skins had in this draft. He's been lights out this preseason.
I mean historically its kind of messed up... I guess they might not care but some white guy landed and said "Oh ****... We made it to India?!  Sup, Indians?" and that's that.  They became "Indians" based on the ignorance of Christopher Columbus and co.
 Terms like Native American, aboriginal, and indigenous are white inventions as well obviously. 

From experience most natives prefer to be refereed by their tribal name or as "Indian".  Some of the educated/activist types prefer indigenous or aboriginal over Indian or Native American but even that is debated within those circles. 
Snyder should just change the name to Redhawks or Braves and call it a day.  

Before it gets too late and he or someone else is forced to change the name and the logo to something lame.  Like what happened to the Bullets 
Snyder should just change the name to Redhawks or Braves and call it a day.  

Before it gets too late and he or someone else is forced to change the name and the logo to something lame.  Like what happened to the Bullets :smh:

No one forced Abe Pollin to change the name from Bullets to Wizards. He did that on his own accord.
I'm guessing it's too late to change my keepers DeadsetAce DeadsetAce :lol:

651/StillIn, I didn't mean to sound like I was saying you guys thought that way that wasn't my intention. I just meant that state of mind in general should not exist. I know (hope :lol:) y'all aren't like that. I'm not going to get back into it because it brings out craziness on both sides :lol:
not too late, bud...shoot me a PM

we have one dude who still hasn't submitted any keepers. trying to decide what to do :lol:
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All good man; things on the net can be misinterpreted easily

It's only a matter of time before it gets changed but Goodell somehow seems to overlook this issue which is no accident
No one forced Abe Pollin to change the name from Bullets to Wizards. He did that on his own accord.
My bad you're right.  

I was always under the impression that the league made him do it because of the belief by some that somehow the name promoted gun violence in the area.  
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honestly, I don't see it getting changed unless Synder sells the team and that ain't happening anytime soon.

From a business perspective I get the stubbornness but as a moral issue it isn't right. Dude won't budge if it aint messing with his money.

really? @ jumpman
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