NFL Insider:Ranking the top RB's

Brown is more natural running behind a fullback and doesn't have much value as a receiver out of the backfield at this point in his career.
what a joke, brown was the dolphins leading receiver before getting hurt. he's a great receiver and has the stats to prove it. terribleanalysis and very misleading
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Brown is more natural running behind a fullback and doesn't have much value as a receiver out of the backfield at this point in his career.
what a joke, brown was the dolphins leading receiver before getting hurt. he's a great receiver and has the stats to prove it. terrible analysis and very misleading

brown is ranked too low, and
at portis having pass protectionissues. hes easily the best pass blocking rb in the game
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

***Grain of Salt***

By Scouts Inc.

LJ is 2nd best RB in the NFL EAAAAAAAAAAASY
He can not be tackled one on one by NO ONE

Prez at 25, so Prez would start on @ 10 other teams in the league??? Im as big a Prez fan as there is on this board but that just aint on point
DLO I aint even trippin

LJ equals the next Shaun Alexander

Marion Barber is right where he needs to be. Joseph Addai is in the right place if we're talking about Fantasy Football; but otherwise, I think heshould be at that 10 spot.
LJ equals the next Shaun Alexander

LJ walks back to the huddle harder than Shaun Alexander ever ran with the football in his entire career
Dudes barely even wanna stick they foot out to trip tackle LJ come 4th quarters of games
Selvin Young at 60????
I know he won't get 2000yds like he said he will but i wouldn't be surprised to see him get 1500yds as long as he can stay healthy.
Frank Gore would be #1 if he never had those knee injuries in college....dude was a beast his freshman year.....its amazing how he stills has a burst todayconsidering how many times he messed his knees up
when the hell did CP become the best blocking RB? Frank gore still wouldnt be better the LT if he didnt @+#* up his knees in college and them knees anthurting him now

Mo drew>>>>THAT FRAUD Taylor
nah you dont know how he was before the injuries......gunna probably know....hell Willis McGahee didnt get his shine till Frank got hurt even though Willis wasolder
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

when the hell did CP become the best blocking RB? Frank gore still wouldnt be better the LT if he didnt !#*% up his knees in college and them knees at hurting him now

Mo drew>>>>THAT FRAUD Taylor
When he came to Washington....Dude is tough as nails in pass protection... Hed be a great back in the Colts scheme

On the Frank Gore note...he is one of the best natural runners that i see the league today....But so is LT they just have the vision and ability to make theright cut at the right time and then finish it off with power and their motions are fluid. But the thing was before he got injured he was running 4.3's not4.6's. I dont know if he would have been better then LT shoot he has already had a great season for the 49ers
But he would have a lot more 40-50 yard runs if he had his 4.3 speed becausedude knows how to get into the secondary.

good natural runners are the type of running backs who would be productive if they ran 4.9's that is how you tell a good running back from an athlete whoplays running back.
Kryptonite: None.
How bout poppin dude in the mouth and hurting his feelings? I love LT, and I think when it's said and done he'll be on of the bestto strap up on Sundays, but dude ain't flawless...
LJ walks back to the huddle harder than Shaun Alexander ever ran with the football in his entire career
I was gonna say.
Horrible comparison. LJ prolly sleep walks harder than Shaun runs...

*Nitpick semi-homer alert* So, Scouts Inc. had Felix Jones as the 4th best RB in this draft class heading into the draft, now a month later he's not astalented a back as Kevin Smith, Ray Rice, and Matt Forte?
Selvin Young
Selvin Young is nothing more than a split-carries back, even in that system.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Kryptonite: None.
How bout poppin dude in the mouth and hurting his feelings? I love LT, and I think when it's said and done he'll be on of the best to strap up on Sundays, but dude ain't flawless...
LJ walks back to the huddle harder than Shaun Alexander ever ran with the football in his entire career
I was gonna say.
Horrible comparison. LJ prolly sleep walks harder than Shaun runs...

*Nitpick semi-homer alert* So, Scouts Inc. had Felix Jones as the 4th best RB in this draft class heading into the draft, now a month later he's not as talented a back as Kevin Smith, Ray Rice, and Matt Forte?
Selvin Young
Selvin Young is nothing more than a split-carries back, even in that system.
I love Felix and he has as good a vision as anyone but all of those guys can be 3 down backs...while Felix might never be anything more then a 3rddown back. Im just saying
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by IM LIKE PELE

LJ equals the next Shaun Alexander

Do you watch football?
chester couldnt post for a month but when shaun alexander orohio is talked about he finds his way to that threat
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