NFL Regular Season Thread 2019-2020: The Brazen Bahamian Battles Over Eli’s Legacy Til He’s Blue In The Face

afc needs a team that could compete with the pats

browns don’t shape up the oline, hoodie will go to work

Already got one...

Outside of Sherman our secondary is doo doo. Witherspoon had been solid but he is out a month. We have an UDFA starting opposite of sherman so I expect them to eat on that side of the field

But on the flip side the Browns are missing both their starting CBs. I could see our pass rush giving Mayfield fits though

Deebo breakout game incoming :nerd:
I have no reason to believe that Odell, who has struggled a bit to adapt in this new offense is going to go off against one of the best defenses in the league.

As well as a browns offensive line that has struggled to protect Baker at times, dominating a 49ers front 7 that can get after the QB and can stuff the run.

Browns will have their hands full offensively.
If we win this game, it’s going to be because of Cleveland’s lack of CB depth, Shannys scheme, and our front 7.
I wouldn’t call out defense elite, but I’d put up our front 7 against anyone in the league. It’s NASTY.

Other than that, Odell is the man, I think Baker is the goods, and Garrett is going up against a rookie 6th pick. Jimmy G is about to get his clock cleaned.
Pats aren't even healthy either though :lol:

Injuries happen every week,pretty rare for a squad to make it through the season relatively unscathed.

Really good teams just manage to succeed in spite of them better than the rest whether it's due to coaching, depth or a combination of both

Think I’m going with SF because of that pass rush and CLE OL is bad.

Steve Young throwing TDs to Rice is pretty cool.

Young could start for the Bills, Dolphins and Jets today.
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