NFL's new "Marion Barber" rule takes Marion Barber by surprise

Anyone that can't see the difference between your typical stiff arm and what they are referring to when speaking of barber's version of it iscompletely blind.. dude is using some martial arts throat chops out there.

This doesn't change the game at all, it just rids the game of another Cowboy-style cheap shot that was somehow acceptable before this.
i always wondered why offensive players got away with face mask penalties.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Anyone that can't see the difference between your typical stiff arm and what they are referring to when speaking of barber's version of it is completely blind.. dude is using some martial arts throat chops out there.

This doesn't change the game at all, it just rids the game of another Cowboy-style cheap shot that was somehow acceptable before this.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by finnns2003

between roy 'horse collar' williams and barber, the boys sure know how to cheapshot other players

Since when is a stiff arm to the facemask a cheap shot?

word. I always thought u could do that. Makes me wonder if Marion Barber is any good now.
I love how Cowboys fans are the first to make ANYTHING into a personal attack against their squad, what Marion did def. should not be legal (on that same note,Ryan Grant was Barber-ing dudes in the Seattle game).
Anyone that can't see the difference between your typical stiff arm and what they are referring to when speaking of barber's version of it is completely blind..

He was throwing punches.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Anyone that can't see the difference between your typical stiff arm and what they are referring to when speaking of barber's version of it is completely blind.. dude is using some martial arts throat chops out there.

This doesn't change the game at all, it just rids the game of another Cowboy-style cheap shot that was somehow acceptable before this.

lol @ throwing punches. wouldnt that hurt his hand?

wuts funny is that to be able to use the stiff arm like Barber does and NEVER fumble the ball is ridiculous. I've never seen someone being able to stiffarm like he does and not have a fumble in 3 years.
Dude was basically doing a Deacon Jones Head slap (which is Illegal)
Classic stiff armers like LT & Jamal Anderson (The best Ive ever seen do it) use a straight arm, hand to the facemask, w/ no windup and cockback orpunching motion involved and it is every bit as effective as MBIII's .

and btw punching a helmet doesnt hurt, its the same as punching someone in the face or head.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Dude was basically doing a Deacon Jones Head slap (which is Illegal)
Classic stiff armers like LT & Jamal Anderson (The best Ive ever seen do it) use a straight arm, hand to the facemask, w/ no windup and cockback or punching motion involved and it is every bit as effective as MBIII's .

and btw punching a helmet doesnt hurt, its the same as punching someone in the face or head.

i'm sorry but that sounds like it would hurt. Punching a face can lead to a broken hand. sorry, that excuse doesn't fly.
so they are just telling him he cant pull peoples face mask? cause if thats all it shouldnt be a big deal.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

If you played defense in high school, you were always told to go for the legs, Soo they shouldnt be getting Stiff armed anyway if they were using a real tackling form.

I got stiffed one time and almost broke my neck, but it was my fault cause i went for the ball instead of taking his legs out. (God i miss actually playing TACKLE football, this flag football stuff isnt fulfilling my need to hit somebody)

A good form tackle does not involve going for anyone legs ever! I swear dudes are horribly lacking on technique these days...

I dont know where they teaching dude how to tackle.

A proper Form tackle is butt low, head up, squared up, head on the ball side, about waste high with arms wrapped, feet moving.
most levels (pop warner on up ) practice the drill everyday.

the reason most defenders get stiff armed when squared up is because they stop moving their feet and stop driving thru a ball carrier.
If u are running thru a tackle and squared up, no stiff arm can stop a tackle,
if your clutching and grabbing and your legs do dead at contact, your gonna fall victim. No doubt that happens because defenders are not always in the bestposition to make a tackle so they have to grab what they can and they are then vulnerable
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

have u punched a helmet ang a forehead/face/skull before?

Face - affirmative

Helmet... not so much

A helmet, I can guarantee you, is more resistant than a skull. I;d also like to add that Marion usually hits the facemasks which means the area on which allhis force is being exerted is a lot smaller so it hurts a lot more.
the thing that gives football helmets the appearance of beings a great safe head protector is the padding on the inside of thehelmet not the strength of themolded plastic.

Yall are seriously underestimating how hard the human skeletan system (especially the skull)

Ive got nothing scientific to prove that its as hard as a helmet , maybe dr 715 can tell u
I'll pm him

but seriously from experience, punching a helmet and/or facemask does not hurt. trust me. fa real, just trust me.
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