Nike Air Jordan 1 Retro "Black Toe" - The Aftermath - NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING

Bro. It's not like everytime everyone says something here, they say IMO. It's often a given.

To berate someone to that level with the excuses that you have, is quite uncalled for, and then to package it the way you have is very condescending to the brother.

If the criteria you have applied to him is valid, then you got a lot of posts and members you have to correct and 'put in their place'. Probably 80% of the posts that aren't photos of kicks.

Go on then, do your thing. Lots of people you gotta fix.

IMO [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Or you could just admit you were on your high horse for a while (it happens to the best of us), and chill.



The coolest.

You're right. I'm sure there are plenty of people that need to be checked, but I only frequent a handful of threads.

As for coming at @AirSakuragi in a condescending manner, I apologize to the man if that's how he took it. No high horse intended on my end. Just trying to help dude out. It's not sarcasm when I say I think he's a good dude. Heck, I respect the kid. He's in school, grinds to support his hobby, and we obviously have similar interests being that we are both here on NT. It's all about perception on the internet since people will read posts in whatever tone they want in their own heads, so I'll clarify that I've been chillin.

Ain't even trying to turn this into anything bigger then it needs to be. I'll PM Sak moving forward if I feel the need and anyone can block me if they take offense by me. 

We super cool over here. 

But everything you said was 100% correct

Why are people mad [emoji]129300[/emoji]
You think this is bad, go check out the reverse shattered thread [emoji]128517[/emoji]
Its not THAT bad, atleast people posting about the shoes still. Started turning into the banned 1 thread with the whole fit discussion though, which was annoying
@jmikele  Cool bro, one love. valid point about the readers conscience that assumes the tone of the words. many misunderstandings arise in that manner. I probably made a bigger deal about it than I should have, it's not the first time.

Back to the black toe. I've received an early pair. straight to feet, that is how I roll. leather is top grade, fit is TTS. 
Not gonna lie, you ain't gonna like it but I don't think it's a good idea for someone here to provide you with the link. Sorry if I'm throwing you under the bus, but it wouldn't be cool since you apparently already got your hook-ups. Here's why:

A) you already have enough ways to get your shoes and you sound like the greedy type. No need to prevent others from getting their Ws. Share the wealth bro....

I have friends who works at a Footlocker and a sister that works at Finishline. Two pairs there, and hopefully another two online. One of my fav 1's

Buying as many pairs as I can with $800 to spend

B) You cop J's that you don't even like just to resell them, instead of reselling to lower the cost of the pair you're keeping for yourself

I'll try to get these in the morning if I strike out that's coo not like I really want them. Not even OG color ways, I'll flip em though

C) You cop enough kicks with your BOTS. I'm sure #TeamManual would have something to say

  • 31 Posts. Joined 9/2013
  • Reputation: 10

which one are you using? im using the Nike

I'm in tears over here!!
I'm guessing my on feet photo didn't really light up this thread.Quite the opposite in fact. and there I was thinking being a member of team early meant something.
Westbay done took over these Jordan 1 threads... Shot out to whip for blessing the community
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Gonna give it a shot, but can someone PM the link to westbay?  just need 1 pair to rock.  thanks in advance.
I believe someone posted some pages back that this release will be hard in the US. Reason being some mixup with distribution and euro/Asia are getting majority of pairs.. Idk about authenticity but wanna bring this topic back up, what y'all think
after the app I'm going full on board with preorders for all my personal pairs it's def worth it at this point
I believe someone posted some pages back that this release will be hard in the US. Reason being some mixup with distribution and euro/Asia are getting majority of pairs.. Idk about authenticity but wanna bring this topic back up, what y'all think

I think I hate speculation.
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