Nike Air Jordan Collection by Sunshining7 (Pics in All pages) Last Update July.18.2009

jaw dropping collection nice OGs you have especially the 1s also loving the concords and 6s
Oh my goodness! Now that's a quality collection. Those metallic purples up there are absolutely stunning. Wow.
This should be against the Law to have so much heat..
maaaaaaaaaaaaan oh man i know you already broke everyone´s heart but i cannot get enough pics AMAZING just...... oh forget it im crying a lil bit
when i see a collection post like, i wanna ask...'what do you do... and how do you do it..'
amazing collection!
Which pair is on the bottom left of the first pic? The top right are blue metallics, but are the bottom lefts Black Metallics? Cuz if they are

And I know the ones I circled in red are blue metallics, but what about the blue and purple circled pairs?

And this is such a crazy collection. The greatest combination of OG I's I have ever seen. Phase2 would be second, but I think you beat him still
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