Its always funny to me when people hid their face on this site like they are some kinda undercover celeb or something... but someone hiding their face in black in white HS game pics from the 90s... thats a first!
Anyway... these are just shoes to me. I am 37. Grew up in Chicago. Watched a lot of Bulls games with my dad back in the day... but I never owned a pair of Js until the 16s went on clearence because neither my mom or dad were paying that much for "gym shoes" back in the day. Honestly, I think I wanted More Uptempos more back in the day because I thought they just looked cooler, and I remember I did get the Pippin 2s when I was in 8th grade after doing a lot of begging in Chernins or whatever that big shoe store in Jewtown. I also remember my cousin getting a pair if hand me down Js back in the day (Bordo 7s I think) that she got covered in paint.
Anyway nowadays I over compensate to make up for the stuff I wanted as a kid... not just with shoes but with everything, so I have to set limits for myself in order to control things, and honestly I reached that limit long ago... so I think Ill probably just pass on these. Im actually thinking about getting rid of quite a few pairs because I have another baby in the way and honestly excess have kinda ruined the thrill of getting new pairs anyway. Im out!