Suburban middle class america is ready to burn down pepsi right now
Tomorrow is as good a day as any to finally wear these, should be fun. Hope everyone enjoys it!
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The hype is not that real.  I mean for collection purposes of course but I wouldn't really wear them out.
The salt is real on Pepsi's Twitter.  The tweets just keep rolling in.  
Pepsi stated early on that these bottles were limited so regardless if they sold them early more than half of those people would've struck out anyways. They're not built for this lolol
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The salt is real on Pepsi's Twitter.  The tweets just keep rolling in.  :rofl:

Pepsi stated early on that these bottles were limited so regardless if they sold them early more than half of those people would've struck out anyways 
haha when has that ever stopped anyone from *****in and complaining .. that's what americans do.. cry and complain when **** doesn't go their way.
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