Nike Air Max Plus Thread

where i grew up, TNs are part of the dealer's/hustler uniform lol
some people liked the pair,some not, but so many people didn't buyed/weared them because it was too much identified to the thug's attire
this wasn't a city-scale was like this in all France, and i believe in the rest of Europe (France was the biggest market)

seeing all this ******** about TNs and seeing Nike trying to re-invent its history is a denial of 20 years of TNs existence...

Only footlocker still recognize its history, like in the ad "TNs were always for the streets" -or something like that.
Yeah, I thought people who wore tns were looked down upon in damn near every other country as what's it, requin or something? Chav? I don't know, all I know is **** is about to hit the fan when they release og anything. Sorry if I was being derogatory.
****s different everywhere, but a dope shoe is a dope shoe. It seems like there is a bigger cultural divide outside of the US, so the stereotypes run stronger.
forgot who previously posted this but here you go. for what its worth: correlation between criminals and their chosen footwear. LOL.

In the UK, the Air Max 95 has long held some criminal associations. Its hefty price tag affords it a certain status, and its footprint has been commonly spotted at crime scenes. According to a forensic science report from the mid-2000s, the 95 was trailing second in “typical pattern frequency distribution for footwear marks from a UK police force” at just 8% to the 10% of Marshall Mathers’ favorite sneaker, the Air Max LTD.

Third place went to the adidas Campus with just 3%. In 2007, national UK newspapers reported that the Air Max 95 footprint was number one on the police’s databases, with the LTD relegated to third behind the mighty Reebok Classic. For the crooks, it was probably a good thing that the squeaking bubble issue had been fixed by that point.
Y'all are weirdos overseas with how y'all associate TN's with "thugs". That's extremely stereotypical and strange to me.

I get that nowadays with all the anti-fascist/left/etc ideas, making generalizations is considered bad...but sometimes we just have to accept that many "generalizations" are based on an analysis or statement that is true
The fact is that in France, TN was weared in the ghetto, it was seen as an aggressive shoe that fitted the hoods' youths, and it was rejected by the "normal" people who seen in those sneakers the incarnation of the ghetto thugs. That is a FACT.

Coincidence or not, the TN was the most expensive back in the days, sold fast, never in the UK street shoe, the 95 lol

I now live in Montreal (Canada) and in almost 10 years, i've seen only 2 or 3 TNs on a non-arab/black guy's feet :lol:
Agree with the situation in France. Back in the days number of FootLocker shops was also limited. I bought one of the first colorway here, same period as blue, it was black fading to a kind of dark purple or dark grey. Everybody looked at me with round eyes in my country land
110s aka the 95 original uk street shoe

Anyway these my first ever TN back in 03 wish I could find some pics of me with them on, used to switch between these and Adidas climacool
finding a pair of hyper blues or tigers from a few years back in my size is near impossible

Nike should have dropped both around air max month
I have a question, if Footlocker lost the exclusivity of the Air Max Plus, only the triple Black still exclusif to Footlocker right?!

No, the triple black is not FL exclusive anymore, but they will have some exclusives in the future, like the "French Derby pack" dropped last month.
Minus that awful toe, thats a really nice pair for the ladies...

May have to convince the wife she needs them if they drop stateside...
forgot who previously posted this but here you go. for what its worth: correlation between criminals and their chosen footwear. LOL.

In the UK, the Air Max 95 has long held some criminal associations. Its hefty price tag affords it a certain status, and its footprint has been commonly spotted at crime scenes. According to a forensic science report from the mid-2000s, the 95 was trailing second in “typical pattern frequency distribution for footwear marks from a UK police force” at just 8% to the 10% of Marshall Mathers’ favorite sneaker, the Air Max LTD.

Third place went to the adidas Campus with just 3%. In 2007, national UK newspapers reported that the Air Max 95 footprint was number one on the police’s databases, with the LTD relegated to third behind the mighty Reebok Classic. For the crooks, it was probably a good thing that the squeaking bubble issue had been fixed by that point.
Not sure this represents the whole of the UK at the time it was published. The way I saw it since the 90s until now there were different sneaker/trainer demographics amongst the youth. Londoners had early access right throughout to limited releases in Nike Town and Footlocker so tended to be months or a year ahead of the majority of the rest of the country in terms of wearing the newest models. You did of course have those that were loyal to models, such as the 95 but as they were less frequently realeased the concentration of people wearing them was limited to the period around to when they were released. As for the comparison between Frances youth being loyal to the TN for so long, that's clearly true, their love affair outlasted the UKs. It was those few years of the UK youth being attached to the TN its wider availability due to fakes in the early to mid 2000s that created that stigma that they were associated with ruffians. It always bothered me as I did not want to wear the shoe because of it, it was easier to cope with because I did not manage to buy any hyper blues until 2013/14 when I managed to double up but even then I felt the stigma. Perhaps by then I was just too old! looking at the pictures of these new ladies colorways, the shape is far worse than any of the fake versions out in the early to mid 2000s being sold at markets. I agree with the earlier post that they should not release the Hyper Blue or Pimento if they are going to be shaped like this.
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