Nike Air Max2 CB 94 White\Concord\Black -- Returns 2023

wow they really did make the 2021 with a soft *** midsole

my 2016 midsole feels indestructable compared to the 2021

2021 has black holes with black screen mesh

2016 has white holes with black screen mesh

2021 has a thin cheap black rag like material for the tounge

2016 has black nubuck for the tongue

both use the same leather

2021 has a white insole with nike air on it

2016 has a white insole with the cb34 logo on it

2021 has a cheaper insole and doesnt wrap around but it has the soft fuzzy material on top of the midsole underneath the insoles like all the other uptempo shoes have had recently

2016 is a flat basketball insole but the midsole is just the midsole and doesnt have the soft fuzzy stuff underneath on the midsole just the regular hard material midsole.
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