Nike Air Yeezy 2 Authentic/Fake Comparison

Agreed. Definitely have to make sure you get an authentic pair if you're going to spend the money. Also, my friend was going to buy the new perfect reps to go with his authentic plats, but all the good rep sites sold out of the shoes. They're doing preorders now. Guess we'll be seeing a lot of these show up in a week in peoples hands. I'm sure they'll restock soon though.
Am I crazy or did the price of the new perfect reps change from 110 yesterday to 150 today? Haha capitalism at its finest...
Am I crazy or did the price of the new perfect reps change from 110 yesterday to 150 today? Haha capitalism at its finest...
They vary depending on the site. Most sites have them for $130, but shipping brings them up to $150ish. Since most sites are sold out and have them up for preorder now, they'll hopefully keep prices the same and not increase them. The demand is definitely there.
They vary depending on the site. Most sites have them for $130, but shipping brings them up to $150ish. Since most sites are sold out and have them up for preorder now, they'll hopefully keep prices the same and not increase them. The demand is definitely there.
Yea I followed one of the video links out of curiosity and the price before shipping was 150.
so is the website rephype(dot)com confirmed then to be a real website shipping the exact same shoes then?
so is the website rephype(dot)com confirmed then to be a real website shipping the exact same shoes then?
Just to help shed light on these sites, (my friend is Chinese) as far as he knows rephype, soledream, and a few more sites are just subsidiary sites of a larger parent company.
From what I've read they're not even available. That perfect pair on all the you tube vids is the same pair that all the rep sites are Sharing to make their vids. Its a sample pair.
yea all these sites are the same , they all have the same layout , they just have many different URL's . 
for you dudes with replicas—

when ppl approach you asking if they're real, what do you tell them?
LOL yeezybay went on a rant



Yeezybay does have a point though. It's a little odd that all those rep sites now show 'Out of Stock - Will ship out Aug.15th'. Probably because they never had more than the 1 sample pair to begin with. I also use TaoBao a lot and usually you can find any shoe that the rep sites are selling there for much cheaper...however, I found it weird that not a single pair of these 'super perfects' have yet to show up on the site, especially since the rep sites are usually getting them from the same source.

Well there's only one way to find out who's telling the truth though. Once the rep sites start shipping out these new 'super perfect' yeezys we'll see if Yeezybay was telling the truth or not.
can anyone tell me why the rep sites would sell for anything cheaper than what Yeezybay asked for, if the quality is exactly the same, and knowing that people are happy to pay $240+?
this whole situation is funny. 

i believe those sites are charging less cause they have the manpower to make more pairs than yeezybay.

im sure if those sites are way bigger than yeezybay and can probably replicate yeezbay to it's exact specifications if needed.

and also, WHAT IF yeezbay and all those other companies are just the same people?  who knows?!? 
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im guessing these sites got their hands on a real or yeezybay pair , and plan to start recreating them . 
not that i'm interested in buying, but out of curiousity—

i really can't find info on yeezybay (other than youtube reviews), but who are they? are they based in the US or something and they customize fakes so they'd look like the real deal?

or are they like all these other chinese rep sites, but only specialize in selling one shoe?
yeezybay is based out of china and their shoes are made to order and are each made by hand, not massed produced which is why it's taking a while for people to receive their pairs and flood the bay. Yeezybay pretty much builds the shoe from scratch unlike godshoe which customizes fakes to look like the real deal. From what I've read, they've reproduced other shoes but nothing as detailed and to the magnitude as the Y2's. I'm assuming they're gonna start doing the plats soon enough as they just sold off their real pairs to which they replicated off of. 
yeezybay is based out of china and their shoes are made to order and are each made by hand, not massed produced which is why it's taking a while for people to receive their pairs and flood the bay. Yeezybay pretty much builds the shoe from scratch unlike godshoe which customizes fakes to look like the real deal. From what I've read, they've reproduced other shoes but nothing as detailed and to the magnitude as the Y2's. I'm assuming they're gonna start doing the plats soon enough as they just sold off their real pairs to which they replicated off of. 
How's the yeezybay quality?
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