Nike Air Yeezy Red October 2 Thread Officially Released VIA NDC 2/9. No BUYING/SELLING/TRADING.

That $73 a year is looking better and better.
There are some neighborhoods where even concealed carrying by yourself, isnt enough if you have what they want. Carrying a lot of cash on you is no big deal if no one knows. If everyone in the neighborhood hears you have sneakers that resell for a couple grand, thats a large target on your back especially if the bright red shoes are so easy to spot.
what kind of neighborhoods are people living in where you're afraid of getting kicks ripped off your feet?
im tryna figure this same thing out, if i had a pair i will definitely wear mines around campus and everything cause i know ppl aint really bout that life, i wear them round the city too, i highly doubt someone is gonna run up on me dolo tryna take my kicks and im only 6'1
Anyone want in on the Under/Over for how many days it takes for this thread to catch up to the blk/red 1 thread?

I'm going to say...25 days
i all ready kind of knew this, and i don't want to bring up robot talk in here, but these robot people basically have these things running 24/7 
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only way i see people getting pairs canceled is if you tried to order more. even then i dont think theyd cancel.
im tryna figure this same thing out, if i had a pair i will definitely wear mines around campus and everything cause i know ppl aint really bout that life, i wear them round the city too, i highly doubt someone is gonna run up on me dolo tryna take my kicks and im only 6'1

Not about size. Doesnt matter how big you are if someone has a gun. Even if you have a gun, someone can surprise you and there could be more than one person with a gun jacking you. Not too many neighborhoods that are that bad, but there are definitely some.
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