Nike Livestrong Greatest Hits - Mr Cartoon & Busy P AF1 + FLOM Dunk + Hideout Footscape

not many other cats picking these many pairs were there all together....?
i copped @ Concepts this morning
Originally Posted by daaznfella

asked them about your sz 12's RICO, they said they were "claimed" already, sorry man

GLAD to see you got your 2 pairs ...

I APPRECIATE the help tho man. I know it was a REAL LATE notice. Wish I would of known you had such a strong pull. NEXT TIME G .... NONE THE LESS thanks forcaring tho man.
Congrats to everyone who was able to pick up. I opted to have a chill saturday brunch instead of the hoopla. I'll prolly regret it down the line butthat's alright.

I hope I see some of you lucky ducks un-dsing sooner than later
I dontated a good $1,000+ to the Livestrong foundation today. Feels real good.
just as an fyi for you guys, the largest size ubiq got was a 12... i don't know about other stores.
Originally Posted by norcalballgirl23

Congrats to everyone who was able to pick up. I opted to have a chill saturday brunch instead of the hoopla. I'll prolly regret it down the line but that's alright.

I hope I see some of you lucky ducks un-dsing sooner than later

Uhh...I've entered the regret stage.
YES! Finally someone realized that giving up this shoe since it's not your size and looking out for me will guarantee you your Formers and Kobe Finals....Won't affect me cause I don't want them... Good looks!... 99.9% of you guys aren't even going to wear them and the bay is steady flooding innumbers with these... Picks to be posted on the WDYWT thread as soon as I getum!
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