Been absent from the thread for a couple of days and unfortunately was watching a poorly programmed CrossFit Games. Peg board for the final Live Event on ESPN, what a joke?!?! Anyways, anyone have know the skinny or lead on those 3m pair? Limited? Will I be able to find retail eventually?
Willing to bet everyone who is mad about the peg board cannot do the pegboard which is why you should know about and work to be able to perform the pegboard.  

Unknown and unknowable.  General Physical Preparedness.  A lot of people were not prepared. Next year they will be... How or why someone considers this bad programming is bizarre to me.  Secondly, I would like to see the credentials that qualify you to be able to judge what good and bad programming is.  

If you want to argue whether it was fun to watch on TV then that's a different conversation altogether, but when you take the principles of CrossFit into account, I don't really see how you could consider it bad programming...

Secondly, saying it's "more American Ninja Warrior, than CrossFit" is an absurd statement considering CrossFit preaches proficiency in everything so anything and everything could be considered 'CrossFit'...

I realize I sound like a kool-aid drinker, but the people saying this is "bad programming" are probably the same people who have never programmed anything in their life.
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Willing to bet everyone who is mad about the peg board cannot do the pegboard which is why you should know about and work to be able to perform the pegboard.  

Unknown and unknowable.  General Physical Preparedness.  A lot of people were not prepared. Next year they will be... How or why someone considers this bad programming is bizarre to me.  Secondly, I would like to see the credentials that qualify you to be able to judge what good and bad programming is.  

If you want to argue whether it was fun to watch on TV then that's a different conversation altogether, but when you take the principles of CrossFit into account, I don't really see how you could consider it bad programming...

Secondly, saying it's "more American Ninja Warrior, than CrossFit" is an absurd statement considering CrossFit preaches proficiency in everything so anything and everything could be considered 'CrossFit'...

I realize I sound like a kool-aid drinker, but the people saying this is "bad programming" are probably the same people who have never programmed anything in their life.

Thats's my convo. For the sake of watching something entertaining on ESPN, it wasn't. The top 10 female athletes were showcased and only 1 out of the 10 conquered the peg board. Most injuries ever recorded in the games. Heat exhaustion, leading to a premiere female athlete to withdraw.

I know getting your CF-L1 does not mean anything and I have mine and have been coaching for 2yrs, but I do program on the reg. and I would have never programmed something like that for a final event. Heavy DT would have been a fantastic triplet to culminate the games.
Glad Ben Smith won, even though I thought Matt Fraser was going to take it.

Ben came out, and was consistent the entire weekend.

They did have workouts that were in Frasers wheelhouse and he didn't capitalize, the Speed Snatch Ladder and the C&J.

Even then, Fraser was close, but he had to close out Ben in the last two events and he didn't do so.

As far as the programming goes, I liked the way Teams and Individuals were programmed with a couple of notes:

-Murph- Castro's heart was in the right place, but this was a terrible Hero WOD to do at a terrible time. Murph is an awful workout, brutal, if there wasn't Hero attached to it, people wouldn't do it. It has Rhabdo written all over it. I hate this workout, absolutely hate it, dread going through it... but it's a challenge. :lol:

- Heavy DT would've been awesome, but you could clearly see that the entire field was just gassed. Murph destroyed everyone, and it was very obvious.

- The Peg board was a great idea, just poorly timed. If they would've done it on Friday or Saturday, cool... however for your final event, your main showcase, no way. Terrible entertainment value, and everyone knows Castro likes entertainment value. He failed on this one. Not because the peg board was a dumb idea, but it was just not timed well. If I was a spectator and had to watch almost the entire women's field say "**** it" for the grand finale, I'd be pissed. :lol:

- The Triangle couplet was my favorite, hands down. Followed by the last event.

- The pig looked like a terrible idea when the women were doing it. Facepalms all around as some just looked at it, befuddled. Then the Men came and flipped that **** like nothing, :wow:

- CF is about Female empowerment and that's awesome but the soccer chipper was a tour de force for the Men.

- Subs on teams, people are only saying that because it was a superteam and a popular figure in CF. If it would've happened to say CF Milford (2nd Place), nobody would give a ****... you know, like in previous years. Also, nobody is crying for Team Lubbock, :lol:

- Outside of Annie and Maddy Myers, the injuries were not due to programming. Joe Scali tore his bicep on his first set of pull ups during Murph, Chad McKay broke a rib going shoulder to overhead on a 205 lift (not heavy for these guys). Maddox pulled his hammy. A guy from Team Lubbock broke his wrist trying to save his C&J attempt :smile:{). Miranda tore her ACL during the C&J.

- I liked the individual scored events on the Team Events. Nice change, weak team members are still exposed but it allows your strong members to shine.
Willing to bet everyone who is mad about the peg board cannot do the pegboard which is why you should know about and work to be able to perform the pegboard.  

Unknown and unknowable.  General Physical Preparedness.  A lot of people were not prepared. Next year they will be... How or why someone considers this bad programming is bizarre to me.  Secondly, I would like to see the credentials that qualify you to be able to judge what good and bad programming is.  

If you want to argue whether it was fun to watch on TV then that's a different conversation altogether, but when you take the principles of CrossFit into account, I don't really see how you could consider it bad programming...

Secondly, saying it's "more American Ninja Warrior, than CrossFit" is an absurd statement considering CrossFit preaches proficiency in everything so anything and everything could be considered 'CrossFit'...

I realize I sound like a kool-aid drinker, but the people saying this is "bad programming" are probably the same people who have never programmed anything in their life.

Lol! A very kool-aid drinker comment.. As a spectator, I (personally) would like to watch the competitors compete. When you've got all the women and some men just look at the peg board and save their energy for the next event. By saying they will be more prepared next year is absurd too.. While everyone is practicing the peg board Castro is going to program back flips and drag racing for time..

Look.. Is the peg board, row and assault bike a good workout? Yes.. Is it good for television for a final workout when you're trying to grow a business.. In my personal (spectating opinion) no...

Also.. The American Ninja Warrior comment came from the cat who actually won the event.. That's prob not what CrossFit would want someone to say..

Last years events were better by far.. In my spectating opinion..
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Maddy Myers withdrew but she just posted this. She posted the other day they she spent 3 hours in the medical tent trying to stabilize her body.
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The amount of bashing Crossfit will get for all the "injuries/heat exhaustion" will be high, whether it relates to programming or not.
This type of stuff (injuries) happen in every sport.  Aside from that I will say I was personally a little upset with how the events in the soccer stadium were ran. Now, this is all based off of what I could see, and not behind the scenes, but I felt from a strictly observatory stand point that crossfit HQ and the medical staff were not fully prepared for the heat and heat related injuries that occurred. There could have been and should have been more preparation. There was zero shade for the athletes to get in after they had completed there events while they were forced to wait out in the sun until the event was over. Yes, they handed out water bottles, but at the finish lines there should have been better preparation. Again this is only what I could see from the stands.

I'm an certified athletic trainer at a college, and deal with issues all the time. No matter how good of shape you are in if you are not acclimatized or prepared for the weather, which was very unusual for Californian with the humidity, and excursion these type of injuries happen. I was personally upset when I saw Webb laying on the ground after Murph in obvious distress and then they waited until the event was over to cart her off which by that time looked like she was in and out of consciousness. I'm sorry to rant here, but just felt like a lot of the heat related injures due to the heat could have been prevented if the proper precautions were taken.

But again I do not know what went on behind the scenes and this is something that happens in every sport, you just have to be prepared for it.

But back to shoes now...... How do I get my hands on a pair of those 3M metcons. I saw them on a couple people and wanted them. I was almost about to ask one guy if he would sell them.
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CrossFit built its reputation on punishing people at the Games. Go watch Every Second Counts. That was major draw of the workouts and the Games from the beginning. Now CrossFit is ubiquitous in the fitness industry, and many gyms have toned down the program to cater to a wider range of people. From a general programming perspective affiliates are considerably safer now than in 2008.  And that's a good thing. But CrossFit Inc. is always going to promote that "these workouts can kill you" branding  in order to hold the attention of the media etc....   
CrossFit built its reputation on punishing people at the Games. Go watch Every Second Counts. That was major draw of the workouts and the Games from the beginning. Now CrossFit is ubiquitous in the fitness industry, and many gyms have toned down the program to cater to a wider range of people. From a general programming perspective affiliates are considerably safer now than in 2008.  And that's a good thing. But CrossFit Inc. is always going to promote that "these workouts can kill you" branding  in order to hold the attention of the media etc....   
I understand that, but If that is was Crossfit wants, why go through all the trouble of changing there certifications to make them more credible within the fitness industry, and the battle back and forth with the NSCA.
Male and female #2 athletes were Nike Athletes? 
I heard it, you think its true? Fraiser made a huge comeback in the last event, and I can contest heavy KB walks and deadlifts after an all out assault bike. Not easy . We had something similar at a local comp and people could barley walk and we were only using 90lb kbs.

it was 1mile assault and 50M KB farmer carry. One person even passed out.

Too me it just looked like he had nothing left.
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I heard it, you think its true? Fraiser made a huge comeback in the last event, and I can contest heavy KB walks and deadlifts after an all out assault bike. Not easy . We had something similar at a local comp and people could barley walk and we were only using 90lb kbs.
it was 1mile assault and 50M KB farmer carry. One person even passed out.

Too me it just looked like he had nothing left.
I think he gave it all he had. He really pushed hard in that first final event to get second and after they only had a two minute break. To think he lost on purpose is dumb. Ben smith has a gymnastics background and can put up similar weight numbers to Fraser. I knew smith would win that second event because of the handstands.
This type of stuff (injuries) happen in every sport.  Aside from that I will say I was personally a little upset with how the events in the soccer stadium were ran. Now, this is all based off of what I could see, and not behind the scenes, but I felt from a strictly observatory stand point that crossfit HQ and the medical staff were not fully prepared for the heat and heat related injuries that occurred. There could have been and should have been more preparation. There was zero shade for the athletes to get in after they had completed there events while they were forced to wait out in the sun until the event was over. Yes, they handed out water bottles, but at the finish lines there should have been better preparation. Again this is only what I could see from the stands.

I'm an certified athletic trainer at a college, and deal with issues all the time. No matter how good of shape you are in if you are not acclimatized or prepared for the weather, which was very unusual for Californian with the humidity, and excursion these type of injuries happen. I was personally upset when I saw Webb laying on the ground after Murph in obvious distress and then they waited until the event was over to cart her off which by that time looked like she was in and out of consciousness. I'm sorry to rant here, but just felt like a lot of the heat related injures due to the heat could have been prevented if the proper precautions were taken.

But again I do not know what went on behind the scenes and this is something that happens in every sport, you just have to be prepared for it.

But back to shoes now...... How do I get my hands on a pair of those 3M metcons. I saw them on a couple people and wanted them. I was almost about to ask one guy if he would sell them.

I am also a certified athletic trainer. Good to see another one of us on the thread. Great points though, couldn't agree more.
Right but why would they do that, when their sponsor would have the most to gain?

What would they be gaining if their athletes won in Reebok shoes? Fraser won the ecc championship twice.. Last time in metcons.. He redid 15.1 in metcons too.. It's legitimate to say that there is a possibility he would perform better in Nike shoes/equipment..
What would they be gaining if their athletes won in Reebok shoes? Fraser won the ecc championship twice.. Last time in metcons.. He redid 15.1 in metcons too.. It's legitimate to say that there is a possibility he would perform better in Nike shoes/equipment..
No, i am saying they were #2 for a reason? 

Cant have Nike in 1st//...... hmmmm

either way its all good, it was a great games this year. 
In the end, Reebok didn't BEAT NIKE because a NIKE shoe (Metcon) wasn't at the games on the feet of Nike athlete's. Reebok missed a marketing opportunity if they had said at the beginning of the GAMES "you know what, Eff it. Go ahead and wear your Nikes and we'll see who wins." Then with Fraser taking 2nd, they could have said "We Beat Your Shoe".
What would they be gaining if their athletes won in Reebok shoes? Fraser won the ecc championship twice.. Last time in metcons.. He redid 15.1 in metcons too.. It's legitimate to say that there is a possibility he would perform better in Nike shoes/equipment..


No, i am saying they were #2 for a reason? 

Cant have Nike in 1st//...... hmmmm

either way its all good, it was a great games this year. 

In the end, Reebok didn't BEAT NIKE because a NIKE shoe (Metcon) wasn't at the games on the feet of Nike athlete's. Reebok missed a marketing opportunity if they had said at the beginning of the GAMES "you know what, Eff it. Go ahead and wear your Nikes and we'll see who wins." Then with Fraser taking 2nd, they could have said "We Beat Your Shoe".
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