Nike sues Wal-Mart for ripping off shox

Originally Posted by choujin24

So...does that mean that the overseas makers of fake Jays will sue JB for making shoes that resemble their fakes...?

Why doesnt Nike sue Greedy Genius for their look a like Nike and Jordan shoes.

BINGO!!! these ridiculous types re-makes have been an eye-sore for sometime, dont know why they nip it in the bud right anyway. but hey you got toadmire nike's aim here.....make an example of the world's leading retailer!...thats the whole point of it. these types of kicks shouldbe stopped from even leaving the manufacturers, let alone reaching the shelves. I've alays wondered why they were never went agressively after thesecompanies.

But then walmart drops them, its obviously an issue, cuz they are a global entity, they're more likely to sell there than a knock off boutique in yourneighbourhood. Walmart's distribution and supply chains are huge, remember that, so stopping them gets a good perecntage out of the public. IMO nike shouldpursue ALL copycats in that manner, not just leading retailers
Wal-Mart does this with all of the products it sells - eventually they take a product from a vendor & make a generic in-house version of it somehow -Costco does the same, as do all major companies to further line their pockets - can't knock the hustle, no?

If I was with Nike I would pay this no mind as imitation is the sincerest form of flattery & besides, getting up in the morning avoiding papercuts from mymattress made of money would be my prime concern...
Originally Posted by Blue0230

Originally Posted by allthingsjordan

Now they need to go after fake shoes just as a matter of fact they should be suing the Brand Jordan Team for making fake looking Jordans as well....

Corporate confusion...they need to go after the real reason people are confusing nikes & J's with cheap shoes sold at wal mart....their own business practices!!!!!

Originally Posted by RockDeep

They can sue them all they want, but if WalMart isn't using the same Technology, they can use the look all they want. How many shoes at Payless look like other shoes?

Did they sue Reebok for all those G Unit Look alike Jordans?

You are right above when you stated they need to focus on the stuff thats actually affecting their business. The Variant Makers... not WalMart.. They do not share the same Target Audience.


The Big Bad Machine always going after the easy one's.

Whats next.. Salons.. Elementary Schools

If the question is "Why is Nike going after Wal-mart and not variant makers?," then the answer is simple: THEY ARE MOTHERHUMPIN WAL-MART! It is possible to sue them and receive some substancial damages in return. That's a HUGE check. The cost of filing such a large scale lawsuit is a major investment... and it would only make sense for Nike to choose their battles wisely by going after a suit that will garner the best possible return.

The variant market is not centralized whatsoever... those organizations are spread over large parts of Asia and do not necessarily collaborate in any way. Fighting them would be like fighting the "war on terror," where there is no central front. To sue each entity involved would require major [international] law investments, and would ultimately result in drop-in-the-bucket returns if they were pursued to the fullest extent.

So yeah, that's why they are going after Wal-Mart. It's easy money when you can point a justified finger at a major corporate player.

Originally Posted by El Bro

Why doesnt Nike sue Greedy Genius for their look a like Nike and Jordan shoes.

As I mentioned above... when you are involved multiple-car collision, you sue the dude in the Mercedes and not the dude with the @##!## Kia. Who the crap is Greedy Genius to NIke? No one.

QFT on both accounts....

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Wal-Mart should sue Nike for stealing their child labor business model.

I always wondered what would happen to Payless/Walmart if they stopped or were to be stopped from ripping off other's designs and actually put in a fewbucks to make they're own designs.

Back in the 90's the Spalding Hakeem's were really successful. Shaqs on the other disappointing how wack his stuff was/is.

Found more pics.


My boy had a day when he was pulling on on it, the whole tongue came off.

They were
Knock-offs are a huge part of the sneaker industry and most other areas of product. You have Hyundai's knocking off BMW's and Target apparel knockingoff high end fashion brands. It will always be this way. There is always going to be a cheaper version of a high quality product made to appeal those peoplewho simply can not afford the higher end brands. This is BIG BUSINESS and generates billions of dollars of revenue. I'm not saying it's right, butit's not going away.
Wal-Mart, as a rule, will go to any supplier and require the lowest price possible. Of course this comes after buying enough stock to require a company to upoutput. Starter/Nike may have well been faced with losing Wal-Mart if W-M required lower prices. Look to see if Starter is no longer sold in Wal- Mart and youwill have your answer. Chances are that Nike is just trying to have the last word. Just my $.02
Wish they'd go after people making fakes as hard. Wal-mart might churn out a few thousand look-a-likes yet ebay
pump out a never ending supply with prices that only beg belief
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

ive seen them.. the shox part is terrible and doesnt even "spring".. what is nike doing here? it may look the same but quality wise, as with most walmart stuff, is beyond terrible

So you think Nike Shox actually "spring"?
Originally Posted by mjpit23

I hope Nike wins this case and takes them for millions. I have worked with Wal Mart in the past and they are the most arogant organization I know. Bring the pain Nike.

In what capacity did you do biz w/ WM? Supplier?
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Firstly... For Nike to Sue ANYONE is laughable, when they don't even go after those who pilfer MILLIONS from their Bottom Line every year. You want to go after Walmart or Payless?
Nike is either selling or trying to sell Starter by the way....

Nike even has a dept called the Garage which is in charge of making the Take Downs you see of popular shoes. They are the complete opposite of the Kitchen... They basically cut the fat out of the Technology and design complexities and put out a shell of its own shoe.

Is this the market they are afraid will steer away from them?

Nike sold Starter to Iconix almost exactly a year ago. By the way (and this is a little off-topic), Iconix recently signed Tony Romo to a Starterdeal.
all i know is I love me some velcros. if they come out with some lace joints it's gonna be x 5 for me. athleticworks ftw!!
not really. Walmart crushes nike as a success story, literally by a multiple of 10.

If companies were dogs, Walmart would be a rottweiler and nike a chihuahua
They can sue them all they want, but if WalMart isn't using the same Technology, they can use the look all they want. How many shoes at Payless look like other shoes?
I don't think you are correct about this. They only need to show that it is reasonable that consumers may THINK that they have the sametechnology. If the appearance has been copied closely then it is easy to argue that consumers won't be able to tell the difference and would assume theywork the same way. Nike could sue a lot of people. Just because they don't doesn't mean they can't.
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