Nike x stranger things

Prices still haven't dipped enough for me on the tailwinds but the ebay prices are laughably ridiculous for both the white and the green ones.
Still going for $250+ :smh:

They should’ve stuck to the original release date
I feel like some of these ebay sellers are strict hype sellers who dont truly know the value of the shoes they are selling and just eventually do a best offer once they realize nobodys biting.
Yes the newspaper inside the box, I just got regular tissue paper

It appears the second release did not have the newspaper print tissue paper. Mine came in from Nike and is just regular paper (was disappointed when I seen it)
Man Livestock just put online left overs of the Blazers from their instore yesterday, only small sizes left from when I got on board nothing bigger than a 5.5 smh
Some of the second release do have the newspaper. Not sure why it’s missing??
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It appears the second release did not have the newspaper print tissue paper. Mine came in from Nike and is just regular paper (was disappointed when I seen it)
well it looks random.. I got the tailwinds from SVD..and they came with the newspaper.. the cortez from nike didn't have newspaper inside..

Well hopefully I managed to cop the Blazers last night!!! After I lucked out with Livestock I randomly checked out Size? and there were the Blazers sitting in the new arrivals section!!! I clicked on them and and it said select your size but there were no sizes to choose from, so I tried with a different browser and had the same problem, no sizes to select... So then I tried on my phone and it worked!!! I was able to quickly choose my size and check out... They were literally available for about 5/10mins, just pure luck I happened to check out Size?...

Im still not 100% confident they will ship them, I got an order confirmation but until they ship Im crossing my fingers...
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