Nike Zoom Soldier vs. Zoom BB II

Apr 25, 2005
I play pick-up ball outdoors, try to as many times a week as I can, and every now and then I'll play indoor ball at my university. I do tend to have widefeet and numerous shoes I've bought in a size 11 fit tight (I wear size 11 for my other shoes, jordans, SBs, etc.) but for some reason ball shoes aretight. I've read reviews on both shoes now and they seem to have both gotten great reviews.

But which one should I buy? Heard that the soldier fits small and the zoom bb fits true.

Should I get the soldier in 11.5 or zoom bb ii in 11.

If you guys could choose one or the other which one would it be and why?
both were true to size for me, but the soldier was a little narrow and the bb 2 runs extremely wide. if you have wide feet i dont know if the soldiers willwork for you. the bb 2 is not an indoor shoe like the soldier, but it will definitely last on an outdoor court. i play indoors and outdoors and after 5 weeksthey still have almost no wear on the bottom.
^ can i see pics of the soles on your BB's - i could never believe that they will last outside
i think he got it backward. The soldier last longer outdoor while the BB2 does not.
ill post pics in the morning...its dark right now and all i have is my camera phone which doesnt have flash. oh yea and i meant the bb 2 is not an outdoor shoelike the soldier is but it will still last.
ok as promised, heres pictures. ive played 4 times a week for the last 5 weeks in them. i play twice a week indoor and twice a week outdoor usually for 2 to 3hours each time i play.

It could be that he just sits on the corner popping threes.
Mind telling us your playing style?
actually im a defensive player that always guards the best player on the other team. on offense i just cut alot and run around until i get open or i crash theboards. im not a point guard or anything like that but i definitely do my share of running, starting, and stopping in them.

after all this time i still have the squeeky sound and i love it!
I'll post a pic of my zoom soles when i can but i can testify that the zoom soles do wear out far more easily outdoors. The pivot circle and the outriggerare completely smooth on my shoes and the soles directly under the soles are fairly worn out. The traction was amazing while it lasted though - still 1 of myfave indoor shoes - i have the BBs in both the white/blue & white/black mids and the white/purple low SN PEs colourways for indoor/casual; the 1s that woreout outdoor were the black/yellow colourway. Then again, it also matters on the outdoor court - i killed mine on asphalt and blacktop as well as concrete.
P.S. i usually run the point and zig-zag ALOT as well as make sudden stops to beat my man or pull up for a J - could, possibly, maybe, somewhat account for thedisparity in wear & tear...
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