Nike's new RSVP process

I'm not sure how much changed with this whole Raffle ticket thing at FTL since I haven't worked there in a while.. But I remember how easy it was to not only get any pair that I wanted from the stores I worked at, but also to be able to take care of people that took care of me.. it wasn't always money, but we had customers that knew how the game worked.. they would come in and buy like $50 worth of socks every month and then anytime they needed a pair we took care of them..

At the end of the day it's all about money to Corporate people. They could care less how the shoes get sold or to whom, just the fact that they got sold and sold quickly.. As long as you weren't giving out discounts to people(although the military discount was very liberally given by many managers I worked for) and you weren't stealing money/merchandise, you had nothing to worry about.

Back when the cool greys came out, the store I worked at only got 1 size 11.5, two size 12's and 1 size 13. The store manager bought the 11.5 and held the 13 for another store manager, while letting me buy both size 12's with my discount.. So when we opened up the biggest size we had for sale was an 11, people weren't too happy about that but not much they could do.. Working at one of these stores (FTL, FTA, CHAMPS, FNL) isn't a great career since the pay isn't that great and the hours suck, especially during the holidays. The main attraction for employees is the discount and being able to get the shoes. Take away that and you would probably lose a good amount of the work force..

At the end of the day.. the age old saying of "It's not always about what you know, but WHO you know" couldn't be further from the truth..
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