@nikestore tweeter bot

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That's bs dude.

Got grapes which had ton more hype/ more people buyingwith auto cart.... lol

All you need to do is have a realllllly fast internet and you should be good.

But than again I rather have a RSVP Bot so I could pick them up day of.

Yeah and they made about a billion grapes, easiest release ever... You didn't even need a bot to cop grapes.

Script Bots are absolutely 100% less effective now... Without a doubt. I saw a video on bots on YouTube with like 2,000,000 views lol.

So I tried getting the shadows off NDC with the widely available chrome script and failed on two separate computers. I'm interested in knowing more about how to get the tweet instantly. I installed tweet deck, is that all that one has to do? is that client better than the standard twitter client? I notice latency with the regular twitter software.

Exactly my point...
^ Got to the Order confirmation page on NDC, in about 7 minutes for the Toro IVs, using the goolge script bot.
Keep in mind I had to actually hit the Twitter link myself. After hitting the link I waited in line for literally 12 seconds.

At this point I dont believe anthing that people say about how script bots arent effective.
For the last 3 or 4 releases people were saying that script bots wouldnt work.
But yet release after release, I get my pair easily. And usually before alot of other people post that they got their pair.

What is really important is a superfast internet connection.
I am usually still at work at 7AM on release dates, and they have blazing fast internet.
Twitter page refreshes in 1 second flat.

In a world where everyone has a bot, the one with the fastest internet is king.
just bought it waiting for saturday to test

Was it worth it?
^ you would do better just upgrading your internet connection for probably less than $80 a month. Nevermind the $500.
^ Got to the Order confirmation page on NDC, in about 7 minutes for the Toro IVs, using the goolge script bot.
Keep in mind I had to actually hit the Twitter link myself. After hitting the link I waited in line for literally 12 seconds.

At this point I dont believe anthing that people say about how script bots arent effective.
For the last 3 or 4 releases people were saying that script bots wouldnt work.
But yet release after release, I get my pair easily. And usually before alot of other people post that they got their pair.

What is really important is a superfast internet connection.
I am usually still at work at 7AM on release dates, and they have blazing fast internet.
Twitter page refreshes in 1 second flat.

In a world where everyone has a bot, the one with the fastest internet is king.

Okay you got a pair of the most widely released Jordan of the whole entire year, lol. They made more Toro's than Grapes. They finally sold out on eBay and footlocker at NOON. U could have copped without a bot easily.

I didn't say they weren't gonna work at all, not once did I make that statement. I clearly said they are "less effective" and unless you had a bot all last winter and fall you don't know wtf your talking about lol.

They are ABSOLUTELY 1000% less effective. People were having like 98% success on ALL releases. Use your script bot for the DB's, Mints or anything limited and see what happens...
Ummm I used mine on kd supreme, denims, hazels, playoff 8,roayl foams and got all in under 1 minute.... I'll use it on DB3's and my nuts and will cop 2 of each.... Stilleffective, Internet speed comes into play
Ummm I used mine on kd supreme, denims, hazels, playoff 8,roayl foams and got all in under 1 minute.... I'll use it on DB3's and my nuts and will cop 2 of each.... Stilleffective, Internet speed comes into play
Script bot? or a decent one?
Yea it works, I don't buy to resell, I keep my kicks but it's the only way to get em of ndc eastbay champs.... Back to bed, I'm not bragging but for this guy to say '' try it see what happens'' rubbed me the wrong way
somebody let a fella know more about the VPN server tho [emoji]128064[/emoji]...will nike cancel it since its against the rules?
Pathetic is an understatement.
A bunch of fiends looking for someone to serve them, asking each other who has the best dope.
this says the man with profile pic of corks and denims 2 of the most sought after releases of the year 
At those prices you might as well pay a reseller, most shoe reseell for maybe an extra $100, why would I give somebody $80 a month for a chance to cop a pair. 
Pathetic is an understatement.

A bunch of fiends looking for someone to serve them, asking each other who has the best dope.
this says the man with profile pic of corks and denims 2 of the most sought after releases of the year 

And I got both without thirsting for bots on Nt.
The point the majority of people in this thread will continue to miss is you can have a bot and still strike out.
Now how ridiculous is it to spend $100 or $250 or $500 just to get the same result you've been getting.

There are a lot of reasons why some people seem to always win and while some never do.
The size you wear is the biggest component that people seem to just totally ignore, I know a dude that wears a size 14 and he always get his size on ndc without a bot. Less 14s to go around but a lot less people going for available pairs means a higher probability of purchasing your size.
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