NIKETALK lets take over the internet (and make MONEY)

Just signed up, got rated at 5 stars. I wake up an hour early each day and bang out an article, easy $10-$40 depending on length. Legit.

Thanks OP!
received a rating of 3 stars :/ oh well, better than nothing. I'm about to see what it's about. how long does it take to get paid?
So I've been signed up, but I just started putting in some work at since my semester ended. The payouts are weekly now and there have been quite a few articles posted lately. I'm at like $20 after a few hours of work. It's money...

Sut NT! been making some good money with this yet?! haha just found a newer site and thought it's better than the rest and there's a bunch of stuff needed to be written.

anyways, hope some of you guys were able to benefit from the other sites!
Originally Posted by ps2child

Op must be banking of this. What you bringing in now?

enough to pay for college and play a lot of golf 
 i's certainly not money that just comes in...i work my %$# off to get it but for people that want to see more money from more work..this is it... if you're looking to sit back for 8 hours and get the same pay...then 

PS...i'm FAR from the best or fastest writer on NT but it works 
Originally Posted by thisizdray

Originally Posted by heirjordan15

Originally Posted by NikeAir45

Okay, what's up with having to send your W-9 tax form before you get paid anything on Is that safe to do?

textbroker has been pretty weak lately, less articles and the W-9 thing... the latest site I posted will just need your paypal and that's're ready to write

Do you need to link your account with facebook? I'm looking to register and it takes me to the facebook site as I don't see a "register now" option.
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Do you need to link your account with facebook? I'm looking to register and it takes me to the facebook site as I don't see a "register now" option.

yeah but just press custom and press "only me" so your friends don't see any posts from them 
 it's a quick way to register
instastudio won't let me login, clicking on the register on facebook part does nothing for me.

Same. Seems scammy.

I skipped on textbroker. Signed up. Sent them my drivers license photo snap with stuff blacked out. Then, since I logged in from outside the US they said i needed to scan/photo of my passport. Too much effort for all this nonsense.
so what's the best site nowadays? Made $200 from interact media in less than 15 articles a while back
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