Sent mine in within the time limit thinking it was west coast time deadline so hopefully I'm good!
Oh wow, I missed the sign up. If anyone backs out I'm willing to fill in, inwas busy getting married and completely forgot.
Just got my elf [emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji][emoji]128526[/emoji]
Got my elf get :pimp:

This Christmas will be the first Christmas I actually get to wake up with my daughter on Christmas morning since she was 2, shes nine now. I usually always eve, or new years needless to say Im super stoked.

I told her we were going shopping soon for the fam and my elf she made a rule we cant open any gifts we get from fam or my elf until Christmas morning. Im not happy haha.
Got my elf as well....acually a perfect match. Have a lot to give this fellow off the cuff. Excited to pass it along. Dope. Thanks again!

Will send before going to jail
I don't post as much as I used to, been on NT since the NIkepark days pre 2002.

Been doing this SS thing the past 3-4 years, sorry if I was vague, if you need more info about me, just PM me or email me and I'll take the time to be less difficult.

And to my SS, item bought and shipped to your door.

LMK when you get it, and if you see something you didn't order, feel free to open it now or wait it out.

Happy Holidays NT, one of my favorite threads throughout the year.
Got mine too. Will start shopping for gifts tomorrow. If whoever got me needs more info, PM me!
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