I dont know why you guys are complaining about missing the deadline instead of just emailing E
damit.  aint been in general in a min. Forgot all about the nt ss. Ecook, if there's room, i want in. If not see ya next year.  Good luck ya!!
Just send in those request... more the merrier i hope...

bump for the NT luv 
damit.  aint been in general in a min. Forgot all about the nt ss. Ecook, if there's room, i want in. If not see ya next year.  Good luck ya!!

Damn missed it

Dammit when I get a job and **** and
can't eem .....


Come on guys. E said he'll add you latecomers anyway.

Email me at [email protected]. Just tell me that ur in for this year. Please tell me ur NT name and if you have done this before with us
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Nah that ain't fair
U missed the deadline
U shouldn't get a chance to get in on it
It's been on the first page for a few weeks
Not tryna hate
But it just wouldn't be fair
U let one person u gotta let em all
deadline should be like before thanksgiving… 

buut thats not up to me 
That would make no sense at all. I would have to have everyone do the surveys within like 3 days, pair everyone up within a week and u only get a week to shop or something?

People have lives man, its hard enough running this as is.

But by all means, u run it next yr Lmao.
deadline should be like before thanksgiving… 

buut thats not up to me 
thats pushing it though, cause like E said, he still has to pair up everybody. E's gotta eat on thanskgiving too 

gettin our elfs on 11-16 and having a shipping deadline of 12-3 gives everybody ample time to shop and ship stuff out.

if the deadline was pushed back 10 days later, dudes would be scrambling to ship stuff during an already busy holiday season. dudes ended up shipping after christmas (which is still good cause theyre following through on the commitment) but is unfair to their elf who doesnt have the gift by x-mas. 
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That would make no sense at all. I would have to have everyone do the surveys within like 3 days, pair everyone up within a week and u only get a week to shop or something?

People have lives man, its hard enough running this as is.

But by all means, u run it next yr Lmao.
I may do a bday dinner next month
With a few friends and fam
Not sure on the restaurant yet
U down to come through with ur girl
Emails sent!

You have until Monday morning to fill them out! I'm trying to kill this for you guys so you have a lil more time to shop!

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