Niketalk, Would You Let Your Girl Get Called Up on Stage at a Male rnb Singer Concert? New videos

I bet that dude never listened to french or chinx again after that.

Prolly went all bipolar on his girl when coke boys came on and turned the radio off
I was at home one random *** day watching mid day TV and remember this episode. She "hung out" with them and came back the next day talking bout they just talked and they were all gentlemen, at the hotel and tour bus

Y'all need to be serious.

Y'all not letting your girls cheat. Y'all can't stop them from doing it.

What you gonna do to keep them from hopping on stage with Chris Brown? At best you break up with them or threaten that.

If Drake rolled up on ya girl in the street y'all holding that L.

Time to face reality.
You're the only one holding L's around here. Maybe your girl would skrt on you for a next man and have you talm bout "Be home by 12, don't forget my mom's coming over tomorrow".
My girl would never do this though.

Like she would never try me like that. Don't blame me cuz ya woman don't know who you are or respect you.

My girl knows I found out she did some **** like that I'm ******* her best friend and her ugly sister.

I don't have these problems b. Its nothing to me to just keep it moving.

However, I don't fool myself in to thinking I control any woman. I don't got those insecurities where I'm talking about I let my girl go to a Songz concert or w/e.

Also :lol: @ moms and a gf meeting up. Y'all living that fairytale simp life for real :lol:

The whole "let" part still gets me :lol:

Ill say this.

She can choose to do as she pleases and I can choose to pack her bags once the night is over.

If you wanna let yo girl feel the another mans steel in front of your face do you :lol:

I'll let her make her own decision but I doubt I'd be with her after that night.
My whole thing is why your girl trying you like that?

No female just ups and one day start treating their man like he a chump. You either was fake with her from the get go and over time she saw the ***** in you and then started line stepping inch by inch until she's ignoring ya calls coming home drunk breath smelling like skeet or you did something where she lost all respect for you and is seeing how much you gonna take.

Whose girls disrespects them like that? She ain't really ya girl then b.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This what I'm talking about. Forget homey speaking up cuz of some thirsty dudes violating his girl in front of him. Shorty said or did NOTHING when dude licked his finger and then put it on her titty :lol: She just focused on French and getting the picture.

That's not a gf, that's a bird. She got no respect for dude and you can argue she got no respect for herself.

Like if y'all are out here wifing harlots how you gonna get mad when they behave like harlots? Dudes out here making the wrong ones their main piece.

Shorty in the vid is a roster rotation. Same if ya chick ends up a groupie at some R&B singers concert.
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My girl would never do this though.

Like she would never try me like that. Don't blame me cuz ya woman don't know who you are or respect you.

My girl knows I found out she did some **** like that I'm ******* her best friend and her ugly sister.

I don't have these problems b. Its nothing to me to just keep it moving.

However, I don't fool myself in to thinking I control any woman. I don't got those insecurities where I'm talking about I let my girl go to a Songz concert or w/e.

Also :lol: @ moms and a gf meeting up. Y'all living that fairytale simp life for real :lol:
My whole thing is why your girl trying you like that?

No female just ups and one day start treating their man like he a chump. You either was fake with her from the get go and over time she saw the ***** in you and then started line stepping inch by inch until she's ignoring ya calls coming home drunk breath smelling like skeet or you did something whee she lost all respect for you and is seeing how much you gonna take.

Whose girls disrespects them like that? She ain't really ya girl then b.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This what I'm talking about. Forget homey speaking up cuz of some thirsty dudes violating his girl in front of him. Shorty said or did NOTHING when dude licked his finger and then put it on her titty :lol: She just focused on French and getting the picture.

That's not a gf, that's a bird. She got no respect for dude and you can argue she got no respect for herself.

Like if y'all are out here wifing harlots how you gonna get mad when they behave like harlots? Dudes out here making the wrong ones their main piece.

Shorty in the vid is a roster rotation. Same if ya chick ends up a groupie at some R&B singers concert.

Huh? You just went in off hypotheticals. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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I thought the whole audience thing is a female that has already been selected.

That's not so?
This what I'm talking about. Forget homey speaking up cuz of some thirsty dudes violating his girl in front of him. Shorty said or did NOTHING when dude licked his finger and then put it on her titty
She just focused on French and getting the picture.

That's not a gf, that's a bird. She got no respect for dude and you can argue she got no respect for herself.

Like if y'all are out here wifing harlots how you gonna get mad when they behave like harlots? Dudes out here making the wrong ones their main piece.

Shorty in the vid is a roster rotation. Same if ya chick ends up a groupie at some R&B singers concert.
This man understands.
When someone says, "Let" I think they are saying that they wouldn't just sit there and NOT say anything. 

I think "Letting" is not voicing displeasure.

Of course you can't tell a grown person what they can or can't do.

Lastly, I think the BIGGEST issue in a situation like that is no dude would want to look like a sucka with his girl on the stage getting dry humped by an RB dude. The embarrasment part of that whole situation would make many dudes uncomfortable.

I guess that is what makes them "insecure." :rolleyes
You just creating new definitions for words then :lol:

Insecurity is plain and simple. If you won't let her go to the concert you probably insecure. If the singer chooses her to go on stage and she accepts getting his meat pressed on her and kissing her she ain't ya girl no more.

You're not insecure if ya girl goes on stage gets danced on, then goes back stage, and You just in the crowd watching it go down. You are a chump sucka *** *****.

That's just common sense.

I don't know why you gotta change meanings for words to state your stance.

As for the not voicing displeasure = "let" bull ****, like I said ya girl obviously doesn't respect you or know you. I mean damn is this a one week deep relationship?

Would you do this to your man DC? :nerd:

2. That is the dude's fault for not laying down the law PRIOR to this happening. He is probably one of those, "I don't care if my girl goes on dinner/movie dates with male friends" type of dudes, so she viewed that as free-roam mode. 
What the **** is free roam mode? :rofl: :rofl: How many ratchet ******* do you chill with girl? :lol:

Is that code for free to let a penis slip in her mouth? This is what I'm talking about when I say dudes are making the wrong one their gfs. What kind of caliber of female is this?

She getting violated in the streets by the crew of a c-list rapper. She free roaming for French Montana? That adds insult to disrespect. I mean at least be a freak and leave me for some super wealthy and famous celeb.

:lol: @ putting this on dude for not setting down ground rules for taking pics with a rapper. Like you need to tell your gf be sure not to get violated? What world we living in? :lol: DC what kind of females do you call friends where these things need to be said?

"Oh baby, before we meet Justin Beiber be sure not to get in heat and let his boys feel you up just cuz you want a pic." Must be in the ******* twilight zone. You need to tell anybody this in a relationship, you LOST.
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2021 reminder

Blueface is a habitual offender. If you got a shorty and she even asks to go, charge that one to the game. She gonna be in the front row jerking him off while he does his terrible music. He better start making sure these Thotianas in the front row are 18 or he's gonna end up a sex offender


TLDR: A woman Tom Segura knows blew the whole Wu Tang Clan and she was crying about it when telling and they asked if the Police needed to be called, and she was like No I did it voluntarily, they were just so mean.

He tells a version of this same story on his Netflix special Ball Hog.

"She blew U- God...":rofl:

edit: found the transcript from Ball Hog

Yeah. Don’t feel badly. She gets hooked up. So… Yeah, she’s such a ****, but… [laughing] She is. I don’t like that dream-crushing ****. I really don’t. I’m the opposite. I’m a dream encourager. If you come to me with a crazy idea, then I’ll really celebrate, okay? I love people who have just outrageous dreams. I’ve put that out there now. Now people walk up to me all the time, like, “I want to open a hot dog stand where you can buy boots.” I’m like, “All right, let’s figure it out.” I like it, and I’ll tell you this, I want you to have crazy dreams. I’m serious. I really do. I’ll give you the best advice, sincerely, not a joke, that I ever got about pursuing a dream. And I hope it applies to all of you, okay? Here’s the truth. I think– This is true. As long as you accept that your dream might not go exactly as you plan, you will still feel fulfilled by the pursuit of your dream. So always go after whatever you want to do. Otherwise, what’s the point in living, right? Yeah. Now, to further that point, I’ll tell you this. I remember, two years ago, I’m sitting at a café in Los Angeles for lunch. I sit down. As I sit down, my friend, I can hear her audibly say, “I can’t believe I’m thinking that.” And I go, “Thinking what?” And she goes, “Oh, nothing.” I go, “What is it?” She goes, “It’s embarrassing.” And I go, “Just tell me.” She goes, “If I tell you, you’ll make fun of me.” And I go, “I always make fun of you. Just say it.” She goes, “It’s just something I want to keep inside.” I go, “You said you want to do it. So say it, then you can make it happen.” She goes, “I don’t want to.” I go, “If you don’t put it out in the universe, it’ll never happen. You’ve gotta say it. What is it?” And she goes, “Okay. I want to blow somebody in the Wu-Tang Clan.” Now, I immediately think… “What would my mom say?” You know? And I tell myself, “Don’t be like Mom. This is this girl’s dream.” So I look her dead in her eyes… and I go, “You should try. There’s a bunch of them.” That’s what I said. Now… Three months later… she got on their tour bus… and she told them, and guess what? They all accepted. If you are not familiar, there are nine guys… in the Wu-Tang Clan. Nine. [laughing] So many guys. That’s so many– Can we park for a moment… at how many dicks nine is? I don’t even understand how anyone’s sitting in their seat right now. There’s people out here like, “Hmm, what else you got?” Are you ****ting me? That’s not a lot? Close your eyes… and picture nine dicks. You’re like, “God, they’re everywhere.” Yeah, ’cause there’s nine of them. That’s why. I’m not ****-shaming. I’m saying, objectively, nine is a lot of anything. Like, if I was like, “I had cinnamon rolls today.” And you’re like, “How many did you have?” “I had nine.” “You need me to take you to the emergency room or…? You’re gonna lose a foot by the morning. We should go.” Nine dicks? Are you ******* ****ting me? Some of you, it took you 15 years to get to nine dicks. This was a Thursday for this young lady. Try to imagine the physical labor involved… with blowing nine probably not small dicks. If you’re not aware, the Wu-Tang fellas don’t look like me, all right? That is some CrossFit **** at that level. If you think burpees are rough, try… “Am I doing good? Do you like me now?” After how many do you think she was like, “Let’s take a little break for a second. [whimpering] What the **** am I doing? Why are they so mean about it? [laughs] How many is that? Four! ****! Am I done?” And they’re like, “No, you’re not done! U-God, RZA, Rae, Ghost, Meth. No, you’re not done!” She’s like, “But my neck hurts.” And they’re like, “You’ve got to protect ya neck. Don’t you listen to our music?”
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TLDR: A woman Tom Segura knows blew the whole Wu Tang Clan and she was crying about it when telling and they asked if the Police needed to be called, and she was like No I did it voluntarily, they were just so mean.

He tells a version of this same story on his Netflix special Ball Hog.

"She blew U- God...":rofl:

edit: found the transcript from Ball Hog

This her?

Seeing this thread play out in real life with Keke Palmer and Usher and Keke’s now ex husband, Darius who left her over this so they seemed to troll him with their latest collab

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