Nov 12, 2002
For those that know me, you know that my uncle works at NTSF. With their new lottery system being the way there are going to be selling high demand launchshoes, he wanted to know what people thought (whether you went to their Yeezy Lottery or not) and ways to improve on it. He saw the idea about raffling off bysize (Thanks BabyMJ) and thought that was interesting. He felt that since this is the way its going to be, why not listen to all of your input and possiblyuse some of your ideas.
  • One of my thoughts would be that no one without a State ID, Driver's License or even high school ID can take up a spot.....I heard people were brining 6 years olds to stand in line.
  • I like BabyMJ's idea but would that mean there would be 10 or more lines...I guess that would be their problem to figure out.
  • Once all the shoes are gone, pull a couple more tickets for some other prizes like a guarantee on the next shoe of choice.
With nothing super limited launching there this month (unless you want the Trainer 1 Pack next week), we have time to blow this up and give them ideas onwhat we think would work best. They are always talking about listening to the customer, well here is our chance to give them an ear full. I know they will bereading this.
Only let people buy the size that they wear... it only makes sense.
I like BabyMJ's idea but would that mean there would be 10 or more lines...I guess that would be their problem to figure out.
no it doesn't. one big line. a team of employees go outside with a clipboard and wristbands. just separate sections of the wristbands for eachsize and mark the range of numbers for each size. like size 10 - bands ending from 300-340. just do it like that for every size and raffle them off by size.its doable. i remember a lot of NTSF releases had the clipboard/wristbands and there was names taken down and sizes desired.

-no kids. i heard the footlocker on 34th in NYC gave a wristband to a 7 month old. come on now.

- giving out something after the shoes run out would be nice also. chances are everyone who is there has money on them to spend. may as well take advantage ofthe giant crowd of people outside the store eager to buy something, and give them 20% or 30% cards to use for that day only. gives people more incentive toshow up for the release. gives people more incentive to go in the store and buy something they've been wanting. and even if people don't have any otherpurchases they were planning it at least gets them in the store to look around. keeps people from getting too discouraged about not winning the shoes. it'sa winning situation for all parties.

but yeah. raffle them off by size. and does NTSF not do the clientele list anymore? i haven't gotten a call for a release in months
Originally Posted by dbao

Only let people buy the size that they wear... it only makes sense.
I agree with this 100%, but what about those folks that are waiting in line for there kid or something?
I seen a couple of parents waiting in line before, one saying that the Altitude13's were going to be a graduation present to his son...Just a thought...but if you gave people a chance to get there own size it would make everyone'schances a lot greater
By size would be great... It it would really up peoples chances who actually want them to wear them and not to resell. I agree too that having 6 year olds inline was totally ridiculous. If that type of stuff flies than I can see people passing out booze or cash to bums and NTSF having a swarm of homeless for futurereleases.
I absolutely agree about bringing the whole familia including little children to improve their chances. I was one of the lucky ones to get a pair (although Idid NOT get my size) but I couldn't believe that 2 underage kids ( if I'm not mistaken) made off with them, knowing fully well that they were forsomeone else/to resell.
If a future release like this is for ADULT SIZES, then only teenagers/up to adults can be eligible for the raffle. Last thing I need to see is some mombringing their baby in a stroller asking for a wristband for the baby. The lottery should be meant for those that truly want them.
I realize that would be difficult to regulate but come on, 2 kids who can't even fit the shoes won?!

With all that said, at the end of the day, THAT'S WHAT MAKES A LOTTERY A LOTTERY. Unless you place restrictions on who's able to get a wristbanddon't be suprised to see more heads bring their families/kids to get wristbands.
Just my 2 cents.
Yeah I agree with every one up their is saying.

But, how bout 1st come 1st serve? Shouldn't that make it much more reasonable?

I mean if ntsf made a rule saying that you are only allowed to line up a certain day or something.
Originally Posted by SC415

I mean if ntsf made a rule saying that you are only allowed to line up a certain day or something.
designating a certain time to line up doesn't work. example- serramonte grape 5 release.

i think the raffle thing should stay. i used to be able to line up for big releases for a couple hours tops. but i just don't have the time or energy tosit in a line for 4 or 5 days at a time. having a raffle, especially by size, evens the playing field for everyone.
I like the raffle by size idea. I mean, if it's assumed every pair will sell out, might as well. That way, no one would feel obligated to purchase a pair,even if it isn't your size. You can't fault someone for buying a size 13 if they won the raffle, even if they wear a size 8. It wasn't their faultNike didn't produce enough sizes to go around. You can argue that they're taking your size away, but what are they suppose to do? Just get out of lineafter waiting (probably longer than you) or pass on their size even though they won the raffle for that chance to purchase the shoe? I realize as lines go,it'll always be disorganized, so understanding how a raffle works, it would probably be of best interest for the store and purchaser. I like the raffle bysize idea, that way only the winner will receive their true size.
I think 1st come, 1st serve is the best way to handle these releases. 1 pair per person. If kids want to camp out for days, let em.
Raffling causes too much frenzy e.i. people bringing 5+ people. On a first come first serve basis, the line pretty much ends once it reaches the maximum amountthe store is carrying. I mean raffling does give everyone a chance, but it really should go to the most dedicated.
Originally Posted by SOLE TROOPER

Raffling causes too much frenzy e.i. people bringing 5+ people. On a first come first serve basis, the line pretty much ends once it reaches the maximum amount the store is carrying. I mean raffling does give everyone a chance, but it really should go to the most dedicated.
just because someone brings some folks with them to the raffle, doesnt mean they are going to win all the pairs.

someone could just as easily bring folks to line up and take half of the size run...guaranteed.

the biggest benefit of the raffle is to give everyone who really want the shoes a good chance at getting them without having to pay these "dedicated"folks triple the retail price.
^You do have a point there. It is unfortunate that there are resellers you screw everyone else up. But there are dedicated people who are willing to camp forthe shoe not the money. The Yeezy's was my first time camping more than a day for a shoe, but this was because I actually liked em and there was no way Iwas gonna pay resellers $500+ for these.

As far as raffling, maybe make it limited to those with an i.d. just like jello stated.
Originally Posted by Pdigiti

I couldn't believe that 2 underage kids ( if I'm not mistaken) made off with them, knowing fully well that they were for someone else/to resell.
My sister was one of the kids who won it and no I'm not reselling mines. I plan on keeping them. As for the wristbands, I think the wristbandswere a success and I think they should continue using the raffle for releases of this magnitude (yeezys, pac trainers, etc). I don't like the idea ofhaving a raffle for sizes because it can be taken advantage of. Like someone said earilier people can bring enough heads with them to releases to a point wherethey can possibly leave with all the sz 9.5, etc.

I think the raffle system is fine as is. Wristband for every head in line. If people bring their families then leave them be. I was fortunate that it workedout for me but I know if you guys had the opportunity you would have done the same thing.

And lets be 100% real right now. If you had the opportunity of copping shoes like the yeezys but not in your size you know you would have bought them. Coppingshoes not your size gives you the leverage to trade with someone who has your size or you can sell them in order to get your size.
Raffles FTL. First come first serve and NO LOTTERY is the market system at its finest. Let those with the highest utility for the shoes get the shoes.
I agree with JayJunkie about the raffle system implemented for the Yeezy release being fine the way it is. I was one of the lucky ones who got picked and gotto pick my size (10). If size 10 wasn't available, then I would have asked for 9.5 or 10.5 b/c I can wear those sizes too. Raffling by size just limitsyour chances at getting a pair period. I'd rather buy a pair that might be bigger or smaller, or a size that I could trade for. There's ways aroundraffling by size too. I could just bring people to raffle for specific sizes, so it doesn't really solve the issue about limiting it to only people whowant them to wear. With the raffle system, I just had to show up there, wait in line for 20 min., then wait for numbers to be called. If I don't win, nobiggie. Camping out 5+ days for a release is ridiculous, I need to work.

You put your ticket in the size you want bin and then they draw for the shoes BY SIZE ....
^^^ I like the bin idea. Maybe those cheap raffle tickets most places use. You hold on to a piece and the other goes into a bag with your size....
Originally Posted by RICO7JT


You put your ticket in the size you want bin and then they draw for the shoes BY SIZE ....
Great idea.
^^^ YES , just like that. I think the should have bins for example 7.5 - 13 and then you just put the other side of the ticket in that bin.... There you go ,they draw from each size bin.
raffle gives everyone a chance - 1st come 1st serve is the easiest way. if you don't get your size, than trade or resell them and get your size.

make it smooth and quick.
The bin idea is not a good idea. How are you going to keep track of the people who already put their ticket in the bins? What if people somehow get multipletickets and dump them in the bin? Also whats stopping others from bringing their peeps so they can get multiple chances? I say leave the wristband raffle.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Old New School campout system ftl.
fixed. even for the craziest of "old school" releases, it was never taken to the extremes of camping for an entire work week.

also the argument that people are going to bring other people to help their chances is irrelevant. that happens with lines already and those people have greatsuccess with it. bringing more people to a raffle doesnt guarantee any of those people leave with pairs.

even if by some crazy turn of events that a group of people clean up on pairs in the raffle, i can at least leave the store knowing i had a chance. unlike thecampout situation- if im not out there freezing my buns off on the corner of post&stockton on a monday night for a saturday release...i dont have a shot.
Originally Posted by jello976

Originally Posted by RICO7JT


You put your ticket in the size you want bin and then they draw for the shoes BY SIZE ....
Great idea.
that's great.

but i think this type of raffle thing should go for the really hyped up releases. I think that not all limited shoes should deserve this treatment
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